SCPM: GOG has responded that the devs have not even approached them yet:
I would play it to see if a pacifist playthrough is possible. :D
Passive-aggressive hatred?
Anyway, the game doesn't really appeal to me; it's visually dull and I can't get past how cartoonishly evil the protagonist (antagonist?) sounds.
Which is the point; the game isn't celebrating mass murder, it's condemning it. It's showing how unbelievably grotesque such acts are. There is no fanfare, no happiness. Just death.
It's basically a horror game, except the player is the monster. I respect that.
In fact, it reminds me a lot of The Darkness 2; even the Murderer looks a lot like Jackie Estacado.
Much like Hatred, D2 had the theme of living as a (literal) monster. Except in D2 you were a demon-thing killing hostiles, whereas in this game you are a human killing innocents, which makes it all the more horrific.
It's quite fascinating, really. It's always nice to see a game explore such dark concepts.