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kalirion: Maybe make them optional then. I've dropped or put on indefinite hold multiple RPGs where I got tired of going through inventory management every few minutes, being forced to choose what to keep, what to sell, what to trash, what to stash every time I find some loot.
GameRager: I get it if it's too limited, but a good limit could satisfy both parties/sides potentially.
One of my games "On Hold" is Fallout NV where my character has, IIRC, near max strength plus that perk which lets him carry more before being encumbered. But his inventory is so packed with weapons and gear that I still had to keep leaving stuff behind that I wanted to take.
GameRager: I get it if it's too limited, but a good limit could satisfy both parties/sides potentially.
kalirion: One of my games "On Hold" is Fallout NV where my character has, IIRC, near max strength plus that perk which lets him carry more before being encumbered. But his inventory is so packed with weapons and gear that I still had to keep leaving stuff behind that I wanted to take.
Not to be too mean, but that's a thing called hoarding and it's not a good thing to have as an aspect. ;p ;)

(Also didn't they have places to drop loot in-game? Or am I mistaking it for another title?)
Post edited May 04, 2019 by GameRager
kalirion: One of my games "On Hold" is Fallout NV where my character has, IIRC, near max strength plus that perk which lets him carry more before being encumbered. But his inventory is so packed with weapons and gear that I still had to keep leaving stuff behind that I wanted to take.
GameRager: Not to be too mean, but that's a thing called hoarding and it's not a good thing to have as an aspect. ;p ;)

(Also didn't they have places to drop loot in-game? Or am I mistaking it for another title?)
Well I'm both a hoarder and a packrat, and I want games to cater to my needs! Maybe I should find and install a mod that removes the load limit completely.

There's one or two places where you can go and fill up boxes and drawers and stuff I think, but that still means you have to go there and drop it there. And then remember what was there so you can go and pick it up when you needed it. Annoying.
Darvond: Especially those two. I think what I'd prefer is multi pronged solutions. Able to reraise by hand, but also you can pay though the nose at a temple to bring your bag of dust back to life.
GameRager: As long as it's limited(to avoid overuse) it might be feasible.
Tauto: Most of it has been said but I hate the graphics being misused to put out a very cheap game and our big money for modern day graphics cards being wasted.
GameRager: Do you mean overuse of flashy graphics with no gaming substance or games that don't utilize the graphics card to their full extent(I assume the latter)?

dtgreene: Personally, I am of the reverse opinion; putting out cheap games means that more can be done with less, and that creative options can be persued that would be too risky for big budget games to persue.

Also, not everybody has a fancy graphics card, and even those that do might occasionally use computers that don't. Furthermore, there's also issues of power consumption, or systems with poor cooling that might behave poorly under heavy load.
GameRager: When able(for big devs obviously, or small devs with good teams), a game should be able to run at differing levels of graphical/etc complexity depending on a user's hardware(with obvious barebones minimums as the min a game can be run at).
Yes,I suppose I'm spoilt by Skyrim and FNV graphics but some of these games at Gog are just coloured blocks and absolutely pathetic to look at.
GameRager: Not to be too mean, but that's a thing called hoarding and it's not a good thing to have as an aspect. ;p ;)

(Also didn't they have places to drop loot in-game? Or am I mistaking it for another title?)
kalirion: Well I'm both a hoarder and a packrat, and I want games to cater to my needs! Maybe I should find and install a mod that removes the load limit completely.

There's one or two places where you can go and fill up boxes and drawers and stuff I think, but that still means you have to go there and drop it there. And then remember what was there so you can go and pick it up when you needed it. Annoying.
Well at least that game allows such....some games remove items you leave lying around in most cases.

Tauto: Yes,I suppose I'm spoilt by Skyrim and FNV graphics but some of these games at Gog are just coloured blocks and absolutely pathetic to look at.
1. Many find simplistic graphics to be nice to look at(look at all the terraria/minecraft purchases...not all can be attributed to poor taste).

2. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but: Good graphics do not always=good gameplay, and(while nice to have) they aren't always needed. Take IF, for's purely text based(most titles) yet many such games are pretty fun to play for a good number of people.
Post edited May 04, 2019 by GameRager
kalirion: Well I'm both a hoarder and a packrat, and I want games to cater to my needs! Maybe I should find and install a mod that removes the load limit completely.

There's one or two places where you can go and fill up boxes and drawers and stuff I think, but that still means you have to go there and drop it there. And then remember what was there so you can go and pick it up when you needed it. Annoying.
GameRager: Well at least that game allows such....some games remove items you leave lying around in most cases.

Tauto: Yes,I suppose I'm spoilt by Skyrim and FNV graphics but some of these games at Gog are just coloured blocks and absolutely pathetic to look at.
GameRager: 1. Many find simplistic graphics to be nice to look at(look at all the terraria/minecraft purchases...not all can be attributed to poor taste).

2. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but: Good graphics do not always=good gameplay, and(while nice to have) they aren't always needed. Take IF, for's purely text based(most titles) yet many such games are pretty fun to play for a good number of people.
Sure,but they aren't my cup of tea.It's probably why I see people talking about games that I never gave a second glance and trying to figure out the big deal in them.
GameRager: Well at least that game allows such....some games remove items you leave lying around in most cases.

1. Many find simplistic graphics to be nice to look at(look at all the terraria/minecraft purchases...not all can be attributed to poor taste).

2. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but: Good graphics do not always=good gameplay, and(while nice to have) they aren't always needed. Take IF, for's purely text based(most titles) yet many such games are pretty fun to play for a good number of people.
Tauto: Sure,but they aren't my cup of tea.It's probably why I see people talking about games that I never gave a second glance and trying to figure out the big deal in them.
Well that's to be expected....everyone has different tastes, after all. Sometimes a title one would usually pass off due to certain genre/graphics/etc turns out to be a diamond in the rough, though.
wodens_spear: That is different as they are usually only really portraits. Those get a pass. The first games that spring to mind are all the Spiderweb games but there must be plenty of others I've come across if I were to think about it.


If they are optional/very well hidden then I can just about accept that I suppose. It's when they are added/advertised as some sort of 'feature' that I get put off, even more so nowadays.
GameRager: The spiderweb games(especially the older ones0n are pretty well made, imo, considering it;'s just one guy(or close to it) doing all the work.


Why so not a fan of romance? If you'd rather not say I get it and it's cool.
Don't get me wrong I wasn't bashing Spiderweb in particular. I've enjoyed Nethergate and the first Geneforge and Avernum games. They were just the first thing that came to mind regarding armour/weapons not appearing of character sprites/models.

Essentially I just don't think 'romances' have a place in CRPGs. There are plenty of other games where you can find that sort of thing if it's what you want in your games. I am even more concerned about it nowadays as there seem to be more calls and campaigns for CRPG developers to cater to the more 'unusual' proclivities of modern society if you get my meaning. I saw this fairly recently with ATOMRPG.
GameRager: The spiderweb games(especially the older ones0n are pretty well made, imo, considering it;'s just one guy(or close to it) doing all the work.


Why so not a fan of romance? If you'd rather not say I get it and it's cool.
wodens_spear: Don't get me wrong I wasn't bashing Spiderweb in particular. I've enjoyed Nethergate and the first Geneforge and Avernum games. They were just the first thing that came to mind regarding armour/weapons not appearing of character sprites/models.

Essentially I just don't think 'romances' have a place in CRPGs. There are plenty of other games where you can find that sort of thing if it's what you want in your games. I am even more concerned about it nowadays as there seem to be more calls and campaigns for CRPG developers to cater to the more 'unusual' proclivities of modern society if you get my meaning. I saw this fairly recently with ATOMRPG.
Ah, ok then.
And some of us like them.....imo it would be good for both if they were there but out of the way/optional. Then both sides would be happy.

As for why they appear so much People like romance, sometimes even artifical ones is the best they're sadly going to get & for them it's appealing so devs add it for that/other reasons(imo).
wodens_spear: Don't get me wrong I wasn't bashing Spiderweb in particular. I've enjoyed Nethergate and the first Geneforge and Avernum games. They were just the first thing that came to mind regarding armour/weapons not appearing of character sprites/models.

Essentially I just don't think 'romances' have a place in CRPGs. There are plenty of other games where you can find that sort of thing if it's what you want in your games. I am even more concerned about it nowadays as there seem to be more calls and campaigns for CRPG developers to cater to the more 'unusual' proclivities of modern society if you get my meaning. I saw this fairly recently with ATOMRPG.
GameRager: Ah, ok then.
And some of us like them.....imo it would be good for both if they were there but out of the way/optional. Then both sides would be happy.

As for why they appear so much People like romance, sometimes even artifical ones is the best they're sadly going to get & for them it's appealing so devs add it for that/other reasons(imo).
I hear you.
I'm just one of those strange people that far preferred BG I to BG II.
wodens_spear: I hear you.
I'm just one of those strange people that far preferred BG I to BG II.
BG 2 had larger scope and more side missions, but the damned anti-magic in the main town(unless you did certain things) sucked.
Oh, here's another one: Could we maybe avoid "tactical" style combat if possible?
Darvond: Oh, here's another one: Could we maybe avoid "tactical" style combat if possible?
I believe OP said they won't be adding such into the game.
_Romances with NPCS

_alternate endings:I think it is the appeal of CRPGS to feature endings that tell you you impact your world, like old fallout endings, etc.

_ developers keeping fixing bugs after release of the game, I know this looks weird but some bugs in PoE, for example, have not been fixed yet and imlpact quests, bugs imlpacting quest completion or results are the worst.

_If there is no level skill points might be a solution in shadowrun.

_Readable font style,fontsize,etc. It is important that the texts remain easy to read and don't hurt eyes(ok: Baldurs gate 12 not ok:another name whose name I forgot.

there are several forms turn per turn fights can take too, fallout turn per turn is different from bg turn per turn, which I enjoy equally.
Definitely needs modkits.