Crosmando: I still find the random encounters in the beta weird. On the world map everything looks like desert, but when an encounter happens suddenly you're in a ruined city type area.
I'm not sure, but it seems like they've designed the random encounter so it's like the party was just walking along and suddenly ran into enemies. As opposed to Fallout when you get a random encounter and it's just a huge open desert.
I noticed that too, I only did 2 encounters, i dunno if its just the confined area but i found them harder than most other area's at low level (read as en-route to Ag Center or Highpool at level 2)
I did meet a wandering trader (medical) that was slightly different, unfortunately I was leaving the area as I noticed a graphical glitch and couldnt screen shot it.
Gonna do some chores around the house seeing its my day off then boot it up and see what happens, gonna start a fresh game.
I am curious however, upon leaving the radio tower you are presented with 2 choices when going south (1 north too but meh) Would someone whom has taken both routes give me a heads up about it, I went to Highpool so i know the message from Ag Center but im wondering what the one from Highpool would be if i went to Ag center first