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Everything up your butt.
Excluding "obvious" games like Portal...

Fallout. Goddamit.

Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines. I don't know what's going on here, but it was removed from Dotemu, and it's pretty obvious that even though we have the publisher, there's something fundamental keeping this from happening. The same goes for Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen.
I hold hope that if a game can turn up on a torrent site DRM-free, then there is no reason it cannot be here. Except the bone headedness of the games publishers.
Post edited February 10, 2015 by 011284mm
BoneTown & BoneCraft
Crewdroog: POTCO
Winner! XD

I've heard nothing but good things about this game and want to try it out.
Post edited February 10, 2015 by opticq
The Goldbox DnD games
Any MechWarrior games
Anything Dune related

The legal wrangling required to get these games is likely beyond GoG's ability.
Of course I said the same thing about System Shock 2 so...
Crewdroog: POTCO
tinyE: Winner! XD
Yay! *dances*

god i hope the prize is rice-a-roni. that or my bell for Judas, which has STILL not materialized.
Crewdroog: POTCO
tinyE: Winner! XD
Crewdroog: Yay! *dances*

god i hope the prize is rice-a-roni. that or my bell for Judas, which has STILL not materialized.

It is an indestructible Katie Holmes mannequin
Post edited February 10, 2015 by Sachys
snowkatt: what about blizzard or valve games then ? ;p
tinyE: snowkatt, if I wanted shit from you I'd just squeeze your head. :P
well im sure you know all about shit ;p
and expert even

and your probbaly busy enough squeezing other things
tinyE: Winner! XD
Sachys: :D
Crewdroog: Yay! *dances*

god i hope the prize is rice-a-roni. that or my bell for Judas, which has STILL not materialized.
Sachys: Narp!

It is an indestructible Katie Holmes mannequin
wait, I thought I won! Why do I get the booby prize? *sulks*
Sachys: :D


It is an indestructible Katie Holmes mannequin
Crewdroog: wait, I thought I won! Why do I get the booby prize? *sulks*
cause your a boob ;p

anyway i have given up on nintendo games on gog
but not on sega games

never !
mrkgnao: Crawl
LOL! I was just coming in here to post this.
Post edited February 10, 2015 by hummer010