It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

bluenightlagoon: -Too much swears, not enough punctuation.-
I mean sure, you can use Firefox 45, and put yourself at high risk of what may ail you, that will be entirely on you. But uh, memory modules aren't exactly expensive. This tab might be using 140mb or so of memory, and if you're having to figure out how to cram around that, maybe it's time for you to upgrade from your Pentium 4 single core CPU and join us in the x64 era. I mean that's around the same memory footprint as the desktop shell for Plasma, and Chrome is doing much the same 3D compositing and rendering as any desktop today does.
bluenightlagoon: Yes, I am using MozReply.

The problem many people here are missing is, I am not complaining that I can't watch videos, or that hover effects don't work. I am complaining that I can't buy games. I can't click a [!] BUTTON. This is something very basic.
Did you mean: MozRepl? I searched for MozReply and the results were a little baffling. Also, what is it, and why haven't you found an equal replacement? I found the github page, and while I understand what the words mean, I don't actually know what use evaluating JavaScript in a browser would be.
Post edited December 07, 2018 by Darvond
tinyE: Anyone besides me still like it here? :P
I like it here, the people here are much more friendlier here than on Steam and I like the old games that you can get here and have them work on newer computers.
Plus, the drama is a added benefit. Free side show.
Post edited December 07, 2018 by CrazyProfessor2
low rated
It's probably all a Leftist conspiracy.
tinyE: Anyone besides me still like it here? :P
I'm still here most every day. Better than working, amirite?
tinyE: Anyone besides me still like it here? :P
Symphony8: I'm still here most every day. Better than working, amirite?
sad thing is I've come up with a way to do both. :P
chandra: While I can suggest to contact Support with your issue, I also have to point out that excessive usage of swear words is against the forums' guidelines.
GOG Support clearly said that you will not support old browsers.
The problem is, the new GOG do not support latest browsers very well.
low rated
thealtmaster: im with you but dont expect any sympathy from these guys just the other week they were telling me to stop using netscape
websites should just work it shouldnt matter what browser i use
firstpastthepost: Netscape? You got tired of using IBox and decided to upgrade?

Websites shouldn't work on any browser you use. Do you have any idea how ridiculous it would be for developers to maintain support for every browser that has ever been? Websites aren't build the same way they were 20 years ago, they aren't even built the same way they were 5 years ago. Old browsers don't support new technologies and developers shouldn't be expected to try and bridge the gap for people who aren't willing to update their browsers to current standards.

You're essentially making an argument that is the equivalent of asking why a game like Skyrim won't work on Windows 95. And then demanding that the game developer build a custom solution to allow you to run Skyrim on Windows 95.
dont be stupid windows 95 is completely surpassed by windows 98
firstpastthepost: Netscape? You got tired of using IBox and decided to upgrade?

Websites shouldn't work on any browser you use. Do you have any idea how ridiculous it would be for developers to maintain support for every browser that has ever been? Websites aren't build the same way they were 20 years ago, they aren't even built the same way they were 5 years ago. Old browsers don't support new technologies and developers shouldn't be expected to try and bridge the gap for people who aren't willing to update their browsers to current standards.

You're essentially making an argument that is the equivalent of asking why a game like Skyrim won't work on Windows 95. And then demanding that the game developer build a custom solution to allow you to run Skyrim on Windows 95.
bluenightlagoon: If you got a shop how many people do you want to lose because of stupid gimmicks? You are one of those fools who think more new is more good. I bet you got an iphone.

The irony is we are talking about gog... good old games... and you don't get it. You got no spirit

* Moded. Please refrain from using derogatory terms.
im with you man netscape is no non sense doesn't need any of that macromedia stuff
liltimmypoccet: Could the lost sales due to the redesign have anything to do with the CDPR stocks dropping? Both events seems to be in the same time frame.
hahaha that would be great if its true they deserve it
jjglvz: It's probably all a Leftist conspiracy.
i woodent be surprised
Post edited December 07, 2018 by thealtmaster
firstpastthepost: Netscape? You got tired of using IBox and decided to upgrade?

Websites shouldn't work on any browser you use. Do you have any idea how ridiculous it would be for developers to maintain support for every browser that has ever been? Websites aren't build the same way they were 20 years ago, they aren't even built the same way they were 5 years ago. Old browsers don't support new technologies and developers shouldn't be expected to try and bridge the gap for people who aren't willing to update their browsers to current standards.

You're essentially making an argument that is the equivalent of asking why a game like Skyrim won't work on Windows 95. And then demanding that the game developer build a custom solution to allow you to run Skyrim on Windows 95.
thealtmaster: dont be stupid windows 95 is completely surpassed by windows 98
At first I thought you were being sarcastic, than I realized based on your previous responses that was unlikely. Do you seriously not understand what an analogy is?
Can somebody tell me what these "new browsers" I have to install are? It's clearly not firefox or chrome, that's for sure.
nergalsmom: Can somebody tell me what these "new browsers" I have to install are? It's clearly not firefox or chrome, that's for sure.
Sarcastically, I'll say something like Konqueror.

The main thing is to keep your browser up to date, and on GOG, not disable/interfere Javascript.
jjglvz: It's probably all a Leftist conspiracy.
thealtmaster: i woodent be surprised
I was joking.
Post edited December 07, 2018 by jjglvz
The GOG website definitely doesn't work properly any more with older browsers. I've tried Chrome, Firefox and Opera. It's the same thing as Steam's dropping support for Windows XP and Vista. Good Old Games, eh?
bluenightlagoon: I am using firefox 43.0.1 and I am a web-developer myself.
So, you're intentionally running an outdated piece of software, opening yourself up to security vulnerabilities and a lack of modern features, and this is somehow GOG's fault? From one developer to another: keep your tools up to date.
SpiRec: The GOG website definitely doesn't work properly any more with older browsers. I've tried Chrome, Firefox and Opera. It's the same thing as Steam's dropping support for Windows XP and Vista. Good Old Games, eh?
Which the site hasn't been since shortly after I arrived, eh?

Seriously, get over yourself and upgrade. Refurbished and off lease machines are easy, and if you refuse the path of Microsoft, then you could walk the zen of Linux or (snort), give MacOS's poison garden a try.
SpiRec: The GOG website definitely doesn't work properly any more with older browsers. I've tried Chrome, Firefox and Opera. It's the same thing as Steam's dropping support for Windows XP and Vista. Good Old Games, eh?
Still got good old games (Even though that's not what GOG stands for anymore and hasn't since 2012) Steam dropped support of an antiquated system to stop holding back the majority of their users. So that move should be applauded. To that I say, yes, this isn't that different.