Posted November 20, 2014

Today's poem from our resident bard is a hymn to the community. Ready everyone?
Last night when it was really late and tiredness filled my head,
with eyes too dry so all that I could focus on was bed,
the deals were dragging on and on with nothing new to see,
yet all I hoped was very soon a deal would come for me.
Yet nothing came, and nothing came, the emptiness was vast,
so to the forum did I turn, which turned into a blast!
Such humour, friendship, common thoughts, all upbeat and sincere,
the people there made me feel so delighted I am here.
Please feel free to extend any and all thanks to Viking Stilton!
*ding dong, ding dong*
My favorite word in the English language is 'conviviality' because it rolls off the tongue so nicely.
It is also the atmosphere I prefer to spend my life in, these forums (most of them) provide that.
Thanks for that and to The Bard for putting it so nicely into words. ;)
Post edited November 20, 2014 by donsanderson