My initial impressions (after about merely two/three hours of play):
If games were fine wines, I would hold up the glass and say druggedly "this here, fellas..." *hich!* "...this here is tha good stuff!"
So yes, I have only just finished the first (true) mission as a ghost (not counting that horrid rigid intro, but I can forgive that), and it's been a blast so far. Definitely got the right Deus Ex feel that I have been waiting for in over a decade. I spent most of the time just exploring, experimenting, saving and loading, trying different paths. Playing it as an immersive sim. It's held up beautifully so far, I'm intrigued and definitely look forward to continuing tomorrow. Damned be the human need for sleep. Oh well.
My impressions so far: thumbs up.
Also, it runs just fine here. Some texture tearing, probably a driver issue, but no big deal. Got an AMD Radeon 5970. Playing at 1920x1200, all settings maxed out.
Post edited August 26, 2011 by Skystrider