Posted January 24, 2013
I do. Regularly. I like complex games most, like Arkham Horror or Battlestar Galactica. 7 Wonders is very nice also, which i indeed played at least 10 times already. ;-)
I like the coop-part in Arkham Horror, but i am a huge fan of the Cthulhu setting aswell. Battlestar Galactica is wonderful because of the coop/traitor/trust-or-no-trust mechanics. In my free time i try to make a full conversion of BSG into the Serenity/Firefly Setting, but i am not very far with this project.
Some gems which come into my mind are The Resistance, it's like Battlestar Galactica but stripped only to the friend-or-traitor-part and passionate discussions about who is whom. A nice party game is Jungle Speed, but it's dangerous. Little wounds from scratches to blood are common, but the fun is worth them.
Last birthday i got Village. This game is really really beautiful and intelligent in it's mechanics and gameplay.
I'm a fan of all games set in times of the Hanseatic League (The Patrician!!!). In board games i can recommend Hansa Teutonica. It's a game completely without luck mechanics. It's just your strategy and tactics and you have many options to get points.
What i would like to play is Twilight Imperium, but i don't know anyone who has this game.
Another game i would like to play is Space Alert. From what i gather this game seems a little to be like FTL, or at least the aspect of different rooms with different systems which are all important for the overall performance of your ship. Did anyone play this game yet? Can it be recommended? in general or for FTL lovers in particular?
I like the coop-part in Arkham Horror, but i am a huge fan of the Cthulhu setting aswell. Battlestar Galactica is wonderful because of the coop/traitor/trust-or-no-trust mechanics. In my free time i try to make a full conversion of BSG into the Serenity/Firefly Setting, but i am not very far with this project.
Some gems which come into my mind are The Resistance, it's like Battlestar Galactica but stripped only to the friend-or-traitor-part and passionate discussions about who is whom. A nice party game is Jungle Speed, but it's dangerous. Little wounds from scratches to blood are common, but the fun is worth them.
Last birthday i got Village. This game is really really beautiful and intelligent in it's mechanics and gameplay.
I'm a fan of all games set in times of the Hanseatic League (The Patrician!!!). In board games i can recommend Hansa Teutonica. It's a game completely without luck mechanics. It's just your strategy and tactics and you have many options to get points.
What i would like to play is Twilight Imperium, but i don't know anyone who has this game.
Another game i would like to play is Space Alert. From what i gather this game seems a little to be like FTL, or at least the aspect of different rooms with different systems which are all important for the overall performance of your ship. Did anyone play this game yet? Can it be recommended? in general or for FTL lovers in particular?