So far played: 53 hours, characters around lvl17, no idea how far into the game I am (my guess: 75%), still 3 open mainquests.
It's definitly a Dragon Age game, tons of backstory to read into with a lot to do.
Yes it's primarily made for consoles and it shows. The tactical mode works somewhat, but doesn't get close to Origins. Also the game can't really shake off that MMO feeling. It's not as bad as Kingdoms of Amalur, but it can get tiring.
The story so far is good. Some may claim the story being 08/15 fantasy.... yeah, it's not extraordinary. But then again, which fantasy story within the last 10 years was besides Game of Thrones? So it works reasonably well with a few highlights - Morven, a local tribe leader attacking your stronghold with a goat to avenge his stupid son you killed? Hilarious. I won't spoil the "court ruling" you can render upon him, but it felt sooo right and funny.
The regions are huge with a lot to look out for - even better than in Origins. However, it's one of the parts that get's tiring, as even the 6. region you visit, doesn't offer much more then you've done in the first one. One particular among them is as bland and uninteresting as it possibly gets. On others (oasis) you can see that they let the level designers completely loose - none shall claim he has that part of the game like a map in his head.
Characters is sadly, a weak point. With the exception of 2-3, they feel ... flat. Nowhere near Origins levels. I'd go so far to claim DA2 was better in that department.
The linearity from DA2 is almost completely gone, even though most regions have (smaller) parts that are quest-wise locked off or level-walled.
So far I really like it. A few minor quirks with the audio levels and some design decisions but still a good, enjoyable game, at least if you're not expecting a DA:Origins 2.