Barry_Woodward: Now that GOG is adding new games to the site, inevitably there will be some developers/publishers that will create additional content after release that they'll want to charge for. How would you feel about GOG getting into the DLC biz? Would you be willing to pay extra for DLC if it meant getting titles here sooner?
It will be all or nothing. The DLC won't be sold separately, so you'll either get it with the purchase of the base game or you won't get it at all from GOG.
IIRC TW2 the DLC was eventually added for free to those who bought it here, and one didn't need to pay extra. But I haven't been able to run the game so I haven't really paid attention.
EDIT: I suppose the publisher might sell DLC for the GOG version through their own site, but you definitely won't be able to buy just DLC here.