hedwards: So, you're suggesting that the solution to this isn't including it as a part of the program when purchased, it's including DRM in the installer. Yeah, that'll go over real well for the folks here.
You guys are really cute. One moment you're complaining that it would be a problem if people were able to use the GOG DLC on other releases, next you're complaining if I name a very simple solution for this particular problem. Since when is making sure that the main program is installed before an update or expansion can be applied DRM? "I WANT TO BE ABLE TO INSTALL THE EXPANSION BEFORE THE MAIN PROGRAM! THIS IS DRM!" Yeah, very smart. So I guess GOG's updates also include DRM since they won't work with non-GOG versions.
hedwards: DLC is inherently more complicated than licensing a game, because it can be removed separate from the game, but cannot remain if the game is pulled. The assets aren't necessarily licensed under the same terms as the rest of the game and as such that can get complicated.
Are you sure you talking about "licensing" here? Sounds more like referring to the trivial problem of removing a piece of software without damaging another one. But since you wrote "licensing":
So what you're saying is that in terms of licensing it's basically as much as effort as a full release only it's more because the product is useless without another product. Yeah, totally sounds like a problem so big, GOG has never encountered challenges of that magnitude before... yeah, they probably won't be able to deal with it. Heck... seriously, are you even listening to yourself? You are looking for funny excuses to make this appear like a bigger problem than it is just because you don't want to admit that I may be right. Basically it's just licensing another product. The copyright owner is quite definitely the exact same one who owns the rights to the main game - if you can get that one it shouldn't mean any major trouble getting the DLC.
hedwards: The reason why you don't see any legal or technical dilemmas is because you have your fingers in your ears going lalalalalalalalalala.
No, you're going "lalalala" when I explain how simple it is to solve the problems. But whatever...