A pirate with an eyepatch, a hook and a wooden leg goes into a pub. He gets a large glass of rum and sits down to talk to the regulars, who are keen to hear his tales of adventure on the high seas.
"I lost my leg when I fell overboard in a terrible storm," he says. "My crew threw me a rope but before they could haul me up a great white shark bit my leg clean off at the knee."
"What about your hand?" says someone.
"That was the work of my deadliest enemy, Captain Smythe of the Royal Navy. When he finally boarded my ship we fought a duel. I killed him in the end, but not before he'd cut off my hand."
"And what about your eye?" says someone.
"That...well, that happened when a seagull crapped in it."
"Blimey, I'd no idea seagull droppings were so dangerous."
"Well, they're not in themselves. But, you see...it was my first day with the hook."