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The third and, to date, last installment of the Master of Orion series has just landed on
[url=]Master of Orion 3 is a 4X turn-based strategy game with RTS elements. Compared to its , [url=]MOO3 is almost an entirely different game. Aside from the improved graphics, the most noticeable difference is that micromanagement is all but replaced by macromanagement, which offers a more life-like approach to ruling an empire. You're no longer the dictator who deals with every single, tiny decision. You're more like the "invisible hand" guiding your species in a direction you believe is best, and let your people do the mundane stuff for you. Long story short, it may not be the best title if you're looking for a MOO1+2 clone, but a good, complex game in its own right.
*in b4 rage and denial*
not what I was hoping for. Is this any good?
I was expecting another game.Oh,well.
But a better "upcoming releses" tab ( i mean list ) would be nice.
xxxIndyxxx: not what I was hoping for. Is this any good?

It was ripped apart by close to eveyone on release. And if you look at the history of the game (several developer changes and the like) that's probably not surprising.
Still - there's a really ambitious and DIFFERENT game in there, behind a flawed UI, lack of transparency of underlying mechanics and actually hindered by taking on the name of an established franchise. It requires a completely different mindset from other X4 games. It definitely has a lot of good ideas [but bad execution].
Supposedly fan patches fixed loads since the release. But you'll still have to be willing to go for the experiment (maco-management, not micro) that was aimed for here.
Post edited May 04, 2010 by Mnemon
Not so "good" game, at 9.99$... Well, I bet this won't be a top seller.
xxxIndyxxx: not what I was hoping for. Is this any good?

Well, it depends on what you consider "good" since it is nothing like MOO, MOO2. It is more of a spreadsheet with lots of details, and such.
I tried it several times but never quite figured it out.
The one thing I do know you will need mods for it. One for the Text (it is fuzzy), and game play mods to make it behave more in line with a completed game.
In the end I would buy it myself, but I do not think it is worth $10.00; it should have listed at $5.99 and then I would have still waited for a 30% off sale. That's my personal view anyway.
what is it's version number ?
okay this means a no-buy i guess
Bam and ouch. This is (at the moment) the lowest rated game on GoG, and that just after having been released.
Ha, I didn't even know this game existed.. :)
On the one hand, we've got MoO 1 and 2 which are very good games for a reasonable price. On the other hand, we've got a lame clone by a different team for 10$. My, oh my. The choice is hard!
I'll buy it. I am really curious about this game.
And I am masochist too.
this game should be released on Steam , not in here
Mnemon: Bam and ouch. This is (at the moment) the lowest rated game on GoG, and that just after having been released.

actually, ratings will almost always be more extreme initially.
I´m not particularly interested in this game, but I do like how GOG handles the news posts for games they expect to be received with a ´meh´.