tinyE: Sorry if that came off as mean. I put that :P in there to show I thought it was a funny aspect of the picture and given my so-so day it actually cheered me up a little. My first pc was a //c which would have been that picture minus one of the disc drives so I really shouldn't be commenting on the age of anything. :D
Oh I wasn't offended in the least, which is why I shrugged. And my own first computer was an Apple //+, though I cut my eyeteeth (and learned BASIC) on my middle school's cutting-edge Commodore PET 2001.
It IS kind of funny that someone would create a "one free internet" coupon featuring a computer that never even knew what a modem was, though. Kind of ties in with the OP, if you think about it: "I've never been on the internet myself, but I've heard good things about it. 5/5" ;)