My thoughts: Romney made a speech. If you've followed the process of him becoming nominee, you'll notice there are quite a few instances where he supports something that his party is against. There was a stink raised back in April or so as I recall where he said that he supported raising the minimum wage. His party raised hell and he changed his mind. Healthcare as governer of Massachusettes, he implemented a plan similar to the Healthcare Law of 2010, now most every vocal big name conservative wants it abolished before it starts. Romney started quite a bit central, but he's running as a republican, and he wouldn't have support unless he acted like one. So that means anything he may have done that one would consider out of norm for his party, he's against that now. No gay marriage (an official party platform that came around before his recent convention nomination), small goverment, repeal healthcare law, slashes to popular federal programs and changes to the tax law for big business and high income earners.
If he stuck his ground as a centralist, you know what, he might not have been all that bad, but he didn't. Now he's true blood conservative regardless of what anyone says, I can't say what his policy is anymore or what they used to be because he's been driven much further than what he started as. And frankly, it doesn't matter if it was Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, all of them in my eyes are deadly as hell for the lower classes. I'm a student, and a popular place to cut is education, that scares the fuck out of me given my tuition's gone up a couple hundred dollars and my loan amounts are shrinking. Businesses are souring left and right and disregulation caused all sorts of issues, one only has to look at events from China from the past few years to get an idea of what that does, in both labor and product, such as several different mass pet deaths and sicknesses caused by pet food processed in China, toothpaste causing sicknesses and toys containing lead and other toxic metals, including on false jewelry where it can be absorbed into the skin.
Obama frankly if he was able to do everything he said he would, it'd make all the difference in the world. He can't though, nobody can, I'll vote for him anyway because I still think my livelyhood is going to be far better with him in office than with Romney. I might be wrong, but that's all anyone can do in these elections is go with what looks safest for themselves, and what they think will help keep things from going to hell quicker.