Posted September 01, 2012
Here's a catalog of Romney's lies in public - it's a very long read - 30 week's worth.
Republicans have filibustered, and vote-blocked just about every Democrat-proposed bill to create jobs, and stimulate the economy, for the last 3.5 years. And it's THEIR [Dems] fault?! Really? O_o They've submitted just ONE jobs bill in that'd that go for them?
The other day, or week now, McCain was calling for 5 more wars! WHO is going to pay for those? Trillion dollar deficit already, not to mention however many trillions in debt, and this idiot wants MORE wars?
R-Money is with him though, on his No-Charm, All-Offence World Tour recently, he told Israel to go ahead and invade Iran, because When he's president, he'll be there with them, 100% support! The guy is dangerously insane!
And Poor Clint Eastwood? What the hell happened to him? He used to be someone to look up to, and admire, but that rambling, chaotic, delusional speech at the RNC was really, really, really bad! I'll still watch his films, but I'ma have to think twice or thrice now to pay for more in the future. And what does R-Money say about the speech? "It wasn't what I would have said. But it was nice"! Has this guy not one shred of grace in his body? He did the same thing to his wife's horse in the Olympics, though : "It's my wife's sport. She'll be there, but I won't even be watching it on the TV."
His stance on Women's Rights is abhorrent - something from the religious Dark Ages - women must be chained to the kitchen sink or bed, pump out babies by the dozen, even if raped, and no votes! The children MUST be born, but then it's up to you to feed them until they're old enough to join the military? I know Morons, sorry - Mormons, believe they get to rule a planet of women in the afterlife, but this is [censored] ridiculous!
And the Failbook mystery?
People are suddenly finding they "Like" R-Money, when they absolutely hate him. And the Activity Log shows no such action, but it's there anyway? lol....."We've got over 5million likes this week, and it's going up faster each week!" How much did they cost you to buy?!
I seem to remember his campaign slogan being used a while ago by some fairly nasty people...."Keep America American!"..who were those guys again? I remember white sheets, pointy hats and fire somewhere....?
And finally, the Lamestream Media are beginning to report all of this :
Republicans have filibustered, and vote-blocked just about every Democrat-proposed bill to create jobs, and stimulate the economy, for the last 3.5 years. And it's THEIR [Dems] fault?! Really? O_o They've submitted just ONE jobs bill in that'd that go for them?
The other day, or week now, McCain was calling for 5 more wars! WHO is going to pay for those? Trillion dollar deficit already, not to mention however many trillions in debt, and this idiot wants MORE wars?
R-Money is with him though, on his No-Charm, All-Offence World Tour recently, he told Israel to go ahead and invade Iran, because When he's president, he'll be there with them, 100% support! The guy is dangerously insane!
And Poor Clint Eastwood? What the hell happened to him? He used to be someone to look up to, and admire, but that rambling, chaotic, delusional speech at the RNC was really, really, really bad! I'll still watch his films, but I'ma have to think twice or thrice now to pay for more in the future. And what does R-Money say about the speech? "It wasn't what I would have said. But it was nice"! Has this guy not one shred of grace in his body? He did the same thing to his wife's horse in the Olympics, though : "It's my wife's sport. She'll be there, but I won't even be watching it on the TV."
His stance on Women's Rights is abhorrent - something from the religious Dark Ages - women must be chained to the kitchen sink or bed, pump out babies by the dozen, even if raped, and no votes! The children MUST be born, but then it's up to you to feed them until they're old enough to join the military? I know Morons, sorry - Mormons, believe they get to rule a planet of women in the afterlife, but this is [censored] ridiculous!
And the Failbook mystery?
People are suddenly finding they "Like" R-Money, when they absolutely hate him. And the Activity Log shows no such action, but it's there anyway? lol....."We've got over 5million likes this week, and it's going up faster each week!" How much did they cost you to buy?!
I seem to remember his campaign slogan being used a while ago by some fairly nasty people...."Keep America American!"..who were those guys again? I remember white sheets, pointy hats and fire somewhere....?
And finally, the Lamestream Media are beginning to report all of this :