Lenriak: "Series" lets you perform the last "knockdown" attack in your basic combo, useful if your surrounded - KD the folk on one side quickly then turn and fight the others.
Mentalepsy: Hmm. My back attack is also a knockdown, so that could be useful. I noticed that the button did a high kick with a cooldown, but I figured there was more to it than that.
If your surrounded performing a Series, Back attack is easier than doing series, turn, series or turn, back, turn, back. But I never really noticed anything else about the attack or button.
Lenriak: "Special Combo" is related to your "forward, forward, attack" move. When you have 1-3 stars below your health bar (you earn one every 40000 pts without dieing - lose one when you die) you can perform an alternate and slightly more powerful version of the attack if you use this button instead of the normal attack button. (if you have "Star Moves" in the Game Options set to "X Button")
Mentalepsy: I noticed that my dash attack powers up as I earn more stars, but my character performs her upgraded attack automatically. I have Star Moves set to B button. Putting that together with what's in the manual, I guess that means setting it to X button lets me use the basic one with 'attack' and the powered-up one with 'special combo'? Does that mean it pretty much does nothing if it's set to B button?
Almost spot on, but there is also a way to use the button to perform star moves even if you don't have the necessary amount of stars. I personally never used this, I don't rely on dash attacks that much.
Scroll down to the bottom of the 1st post Lenriak: Incase you didn't know, (I'll assume you don't if you didn't know about the buttons) When the "OK Bar" is filled you can use your special attacks without them draining health, if its semi-filled then health loss is reduced.
Mentalepsy: I did get that much, at least. I definitely abuse that special attack. :p
Thanks for the help, that clears things up a lot.
This game is pretty awesome. I've been playing as Blaze; I poked around a bit with all the characters, and her moves and control feel the best to me right now, though I'm sure I'll play more with the others as well (okay, not Skate, and maybe not Max, that guy is slow as hell). I managed to get as far as Shiva, but by that point I had no lives and no continues left, so it wasn't a very long fight.
By the way, what's up with Adam? His stats on the character screen are way better than anyone else's. Is he actually that strong? He did seem pretty nasty from what I played of him.
When you unlock the unlimited special bar cheat Max is freaking awesome - you just charge all over the damn place with him. I lost only 2 lives with him when i played with an AI on hard. :)
I never really used Adam in the original and I haven't used him yet in this, so I can't comment but I guess the reason they decided to make him pretty strong would be because Mr X captured him first in SOR2 because he's possibly the strongest and thought the other 2 wouldn't have been much of a threat without him, if only he knew about Max and Skate :D
Well, thats my reasoning for his strength anyway.