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Hey oh! so I've been itching to play me some Elder Scrolls games and I just remembered that I own Morrowind on steam! So I'm going to go play that but after watching some of GameSpot's Skyrim Mods of the Week I've decided to mod up my game. So since Morrowind is a "Good Old Game" (not on the site sadly) I've decided to ask ya'll what your favorite mods are in Morrowind whehter they are armor enhancing, weapon enhancing or otherwise...

Here's some of my basic specs of my laptop, don't want ot blow it up seeming how it's my only PC laptop out here...

Acer, Windows 7, a bit slow due to old age and some pretty hefty programs on it that I can't uninstall... and that's about it...

So what do you recommend? Not looking for player houses either and I'm a noob when it comes to installing mods so nothing complicated haha.

the most complete, not game breaking probably is MGE (Morrowind Graphics Extender)

You can try a new engine like Oblivion's Morroblivion but it's buggy; also they work on a Skyrim engine (Skywind)
My gosh, Morrowind on the Skyrim engine... err my laptp would break lol. I'll look at the first mod you mentioned... Thanks
Try this, it's got a special instruction for Steam version. This is a comprehensive sound/textures modification for the mod challenged.

Open the rar and read: MGSO_InstallationGuide.pdf

Pay special attention to: "If you have the Steam version disable the Steam Overlay."

Click on it's link and follow directions. Then follow the rest of the instructions.


If you want some self-install mods go here:
but be warned, you will have to learn how to install mods. Trust me, they are not that difficult and well worth the time and effort.
Post edited October 05, 2013 by dragonsreach
MGE has already been mentioned, which is always a good choice. Two essentials would be the Morrowind Code Path and the Unofficial Morrowind Patch, which together fix up most of the bugs in the game. For graphics improvements is probably the most comprehensive, one-stop-shopping option, but there are numerous other ones you can also go with depending on your preferences. The [url=]Less Generic NPCs mods are also recommended, as they add some much needed variety to the NPCs in the game. I'd also recommend Galsiah's Character Development, which makes changes to how leveling is handled in the game (basically removes the need/temptation for powergaming from the leveling system). I'm also a fan of Combat Enhanced, which spices up the somewhat lackluster combat system, although the utility needed to run it (Morrowind Enhanced) can sometimes cause stability issues.
DarrkPhoenix: MGE has already been mentioned, which is always a good choice. Two essentials would be the Morrowind Code Path and the Unofficial Morrowind Patch, which together fix up most of the bugs in the game. For graphics improvements is probably the most comprehensive, one-stop-shopping option, but there are numerous other ones you can also go with depending on your preferences. The [url=]Less Generic NPCs mods are also recommended, as they add some much needed variety to the NPCs in the game. I'd also recommend Galsiah's Character Development, which makes changes to how leveling is handled in the game (basically removes the need/temptation for powergaming from the leveling system). I'm also a fan of Combat Enhanced, which spices up the somewhat lackluster combat system, although the utility needed to run it (Morrowind Enhanced) can sometimes cause stability issues.
I'm looking at the Morrowind Code Patch and it looks sweet with everything it fixes and adds. Do I also need to use the Unofficial Morrowind Patch with it?

Also, I hate the combat in Morrowind, how even if I'm a foot away from an enemy I still might not hit him with my axe... or theres a chance I'll block... is there any mod to fix that to make it like Oblivion's combat or is that hard coded into the game?

And you sayed at the end the utility needed to run it can sometimes cause stability issues, is that the Combat Enchaner or the Morrowind Enhanced? Thanks though for these great mods!
DarrkPhoenix: MGE has already been mentioned, which is always a good choice. Two essentials would be the Morrowind Code Path and the Unofficial Morrowind Patch, which together fix up most of the bugs in the game. For graphics improvements is probably the most comprehensive, one-stop-shopping option, but there are numerous other ones you can also go with depending on your preferences. The [url=]Less Generic NPCs mods are also recommended, as they add some much needed variety to the NPCs in the game. I'd also recommend Galsiah's Character Development, which makes changes to how leveling is handled in the game (basically removes the need/temptation for powergaming from the leveling system). I'm also a fan of Combat Enhanced, which spices up the somewhat lackluster combat system, although the utility needed to run it (Morrowind Enhanced) can sometimes cause stability issues.
the_atm: I'm looking at the Morrowind Code Patch and it looks sweet with everything it fixes and adds. Do I also need to use the Unofficial Morrowind Patch with it?

Also, I hate the combat in Morrowind, how even if I'm a foot away from an enemy I still might not hit him with my axe... or theres a chance I'll block... is there any mod to fix that to make it like Oblivion's combat or is that hard coded into the game?

And you sayed at the end the utility needed to run it can sometimes cause stability issues, is that the Combat Enchaner or the Morrowind Enhanced? Thanks though for these great mods!
I recommend Morrowind Overhaul better than MGE, because it includes more options:

Also the combat is not that bad, its the incredably low draw distance that is worse, it makes the whole land look like it is covered in an endless fog.
Post edited October 05, 2013 by Elmofongo
the_atm: I'm looking at the Morrowind Code Patch and it looks sweet with everything it fixes and adds. Do I also need to use the Unofficial Morrowind Patch with it?

Also, I hate the combat in Morrowind, how even if I'm a foot away from an enemy I still might not hit him with my axe... or theres a chance I'll block... is there any mod to fix that to make it like Oblivion's combat or is that hard coded into the game?

And you sayed at the end the utility needed to run it can sometimes cause stability issues, is that the Combat Enchaner or the Morrowind Enhanced? Thanks though for these great mods!
Elmofongo: I recommend Morrowind Overhaul better than MGE, because it includes more options:

Also the combat is not that bad, its the incredably low draw distance that is worse, it makes the whole land look like it is covered in an endless fog.
How taxing on the system is the Overhaul? again My laptop is powerful enough to run it I'm sure, but it's old and I just don't want to destory it. It looks really nice... but jsut worried about how much it uses from the CPU
Elmofongo: I recommend Morrowind Overhaul better than MGE, because it includes more options:

Also the combat is not that bad, its the incredably low draw distance that is worse, it makes the whole land look like it is covered in an endless fog.
the_atm: How taxing on the system is the Overhaul? again My laptop is powerful enough to run it I'm sure, but it's old and I just don't want to destory it. It looks really nice... but jsut worried about how much it uses from the CPU
Well I don't how it works completely, my brother was the one who installs it but from what I have seen there are multiple options to customize for example:

You add/remove Foliage, Detailed Trees, Better Water Relfections, Draw Distances, Animations, Peripheral Vision, etc. etc. you can really just add increased draw distance if you want to see the whole land and better bodies.

But perhaps its still too taxing, I mean I assumed you have a desktop since you seem to have played Oblivion on it, but these mods graphics on max looks even better than Oblivion and mabye Skyrim combined.
the_atm: How taxing on the system is the Overhaul? again My laptop is powerful enough to run it I'm sure, but it's old and I just don't want to destory it. It looks really nice... but jsut worried about how much it uses from the CPU
Elmofongo: Well I don't how it works completely, my brother was the one who installs it but from what I have seen there are multiple options to customize for example:

You add/remove Foliage, Detailed Trees, Better Water Relfections, Draw Distances, Animations, Peripheral Vision, etc. etc. you can really just add increased draw distance if you want to see the whole land and better bodies.

But perhaps its still too taxing, I mean I assumed you have a desktop since you seem to have played Oblivion on it, but these mods graphics on max looks even better than Oblivion and mabye Skyrim combined.
Nope, just on a laptop and never played Oblivion on this laptop, I'll install it though and see what happens :P thanks
Good quest mods:

Havish - especially good for thieves

Booty Island

Illuminated Order - especially good for "evil" or necro types)

Korobal Island - never finished it, but liked what I did play. Imperial Legion stuff.

Lothovar's Island - excellent "explore isolated island and unravel the mystery" type of quest. Conflicted with Gahlsia's Character Development IIRC (severe slow downs when some scripts run).

Scourge of the Lich Father - excellent "explore isolated town and unravel the mystery" type of quest. Very professionally done with high "production values".

You may also want to try the Tamriel Rebuilt mods. Not sure how many are completed yet, though.
Morrowind Code Patch is a must.

The rest, well, there's quite a lot. I like Rise of House Telvanni (expanded Telvanni quests) and Uvirith's Grave (a Telvanni stronghold for you as Arch-Mage, with upgrades, quests etc.) but it's really up to your personal preference. Enhanced Magicka Regen is nice and balanced without being overpowered. The mod that makes animals (a.k.a. cliff racers) docile unless provoked/diseased is also welcome. Silgrad's Tower is supposedly really good, adding a good chunk of landmass with quests. Tamriel Rebuilt adds even more but is unfinished, also Sotha Sil expanded (for Tribunal expansion). There's a really huge and insanely well done mod that expands the final dungeons in Red Mountain (and then some) but I forgot the name...
the_atm: I'm looking at the Morrowind Code Patch and it looks sweet with everything it fixes and adds. Do I also need to use the Unofficial Morrowind Patch with it?

Also, I hate the combat in Morrowind, how even if I'm a foot away from an enemy I still might not hit him with my axe... or theres a chance I'll block... is there any mod to fix that to make it like Oblivion's combat or is that hard coded into the game?

And you sayed at the end the utility needed to run it can sometimes cause stability issues, is that the Combat Enchaner or the Morrowind Enhanced? Thanks though for these great mods!
You'll want to use both the code path and the unofficial path. The code path fixes issues with the actual game engine, while the unofficial path fixes issues with the game content.

Regarding combat, there may be mods out there that modify the hit chance to 100%, but you'd need to look for them. Blocking Enhanced (another mod that uses the Morrowind Enhanced program) allows you to set a block key, although what this does is set the block skill temporarily to 100, so it's a bit clunky in practice (you have to block before the enemy even begins to swing, since that's when block and hit calculations are done).

The utility that can cause stability issues is Morrowind Enhanced. This is an actual program that runs alongside the game to enable functionality that isn't present in the game engine itself. It enables the use of several mods, such as Combat Enhanced and Blocking Enhanced (along the Journal Enhanced, which allows you to write your own journal entries).
I'm not sure if this is your first playthrough, so I'll try not to spoil, but I'd suggest you install a Dark Brotherhood Attack Delayer, like this one. Don't read the description if you haven't played before, as it contains spoilers, but install it before you start the game.

You might also want to check out the official plugins, which you can find on the wiki. A bit like Oblivion's DLC, only free!
A good place for mods IMHO is the Nexus