the_atm: The system in place in Morrowind works wonders... in games like Baulders gate... but in a first person game... where you control and have good depth of field. it doesn't. If I'm literally touching noses with an enemy and I swing my longsword and miss... there's for sure an issue... I mean it doesn't really take away fromt he game because even with vanilla game it's still a pretty game with a great soundtrack... but the combat makes the game a bit less enjoyable...
StingingVelvet: You're speaking as if this is objective truth, but it isn't. I like Morrowind's combat system quite a bit, it makes stats matter which is better for roleplaying.
Sorry, didn't mean it to come off that way haha. I enjoy it sometimes, and I mean Oblivion/Skyim's combat isn't all that great either when you just steamroll people... I don't know... I guess it doesn't make sense when your pretty much touching someone and swing a 4 foot sword at them and somehow miss... just always bothered me. But in other respects I enjoy it like the chance of blocking is nice and I totally see what you mean about stats mattering while in the later games they really don't matter and I love that, it really brings a sense of pen and paper RPG's I guess and dice rolling, or at least that's how I've seen the Morrowind combat described as.
again, didn't mean to make it sound like I'm speaking the gospel truth or anything, I'll remember to say that it's jsut my opinion. sorry.