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ddickinson: Perhaps I should just quit while I'm ahead, stop trying to find different themes for my giveaways and just stop doing them, at least that way I won't get people all offended.
Or you can just ignore everything that a few imperious asses say - I know I do. This forum badly needs a block function! You're in the right here, keep on doing what you're doing. Your giveaway, your rules, end of story.
Post edited October 19, 2014 by LinustheBold
shit, out of popcorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hedwards: This unbelievably sexist. And anybody that repped the post up ought to be ashamed of themselves. Women get enough freebies thrown at them for no particularly good reason to begin with. I'd like to think that GOG would be a bit less sexist.
Yep, I'm ashamed that I upvoted a giveaway that cruelly discriminates against people who are illiterate and/or have vision disabilities and could therefor not read the description... ;-D

Not in for biological reasons, plus I wouldn't be able to pretend I'm female after blowing my cover time and again with personal reports from the so called real world.
I'm actually glad I can't enter this one because it's becoming increasingly difficult to evade ddickinson's generosity, you must be a real ninja if you want to escape from her epic giftmaking. Eventually, she'll even make a Giveaway for Angry People and I already know some fitting contestants for that round :)
FearfulSymmetry: ...
ddickinson: Thank you. I really did not start the giveaway with any sexist intent, especially as I will be hosting a giveaway for both sexes. I kind of wish I had not bothered now, especially if it is going to become just a bunch of angry people complaining about it being sexist.

I was simply trying to do something different and to get to know some other girls here on GOG. I was curious as to what kind of games the other women here on GOG play and to get a bigger picture of how many women gamers there are here. I guess you can't please everyone.
Don't listen to the naysayers, you will always get some that think *anything* is a bad idea! I think it's a really neat idea. +1

Well, whilst I'm here I'll add my name to the list although I did admit in post a couple of weeks ago that I was female so no great revelations there :)

I love playing RPGs, some of my favourites are Dragon Age (the first one), The Witcher, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Morrowind, the list just goes on... I also really enjoy Action/Adventure (at least I think that's what they're called) such as Titan Quest. There's nothing quite like cutting a swathe of destruction across the digital landscape when life gets on top of you :) And I absolutely adore the King's Bounty series but not really sure what category it comes under. Some say strategy, I won't as I've never been able to master those games at all so I'll categorise it under fun :) (And whilst I'm on the subject of King's Bounty - please GOG get the latest installments here, my money is in hand waiting to instabuy these!)

Oh, forgot to say, I'm in for a $5.99 game. Thanks :)
ddickinson: Perhaps I should just quit while I'm ahead, stop trying to find different themes for my giveaways and just stop doing them, at least that way I won't get people all offended.
Or just ignore comments like that. It's the internet. +1 for your generosity.
Hopefully my post wasn't understood as a show stopper, I just tried to explain the background of the criticism that was to be expected and this time mentioned by hedwards.
As I previously said: Go on.

If hermaphrodites can enter both giveaways, than nobody should be discriminated, well only boys and girls alike by not having the possibility to participate in both, but I think people can live with that. ;)
Post edited October 19, 2014 by Klumpen0815
After Hedwards being so negative about this I decided to support this thread by being in. ;-)
For $ 9.99 that is.

I've started to play computer games way back on the C64 and I enjoy nearly all genres. I avoid scary games (yes, I'm easily scared, really easily) and I don't like FPS/TPS all too much, although I might play them with friends just for fun.

Strategy games, platformers, puzzle games RPGs, adventures, (some) sport games, sims and all the other genres are for me. :-) I think. Unless there is some genre I just forgot about that I really dislike.

Edit: I forgot to mention, yes, I'm female.
Post edited October 19, 2014 by Piranjade
Klumpen0815: ...
I understand your point, and I appreciate your view. I would have understood if I had not planned this as a two part giveaway, one for the ladies and one for the men. I can't help it if people find something as little as a themed giveaway sexist, we all have different view and different experiences with sexism. It was not created with the intent of being sexist in any way, just a nice twist to the usual giveaways.
high rated
hedwards: I assume you misquoted that. But, personally, I'm being serious. One of the reasons why I like GOG is that this sort of divisive contest doesn't pop up.
I beg to differ with you on the "this sort of divisive (content) doesn't pop up" comment. One need not look far for some fairly direct misogynistic commentary - especially when it come to female developers and/or filmmakers ;-p

Also, "girls get enough freebies thrown at them"? Really? I wonder where I've been - is there some sub-forum hidden away here on GOG that has escaped my notice, where female GOGlodytes are showered with gifts and freebies?

Seriously, I think this GA was created for a specific reason - girl gab. You might want to take a chill pill, hedwards, before the conversation turns to how women are truly treated in real life - most especially in less developed countries. Sometimes, discretion IS the better part of valor and sometimes it is best to just walk away from a thread you personally find offensive without posting your opinion.

~ Momo (who happens to be of the female persuasion) over and out ~
ddickinson: Edit: While you boys can not enter for the prize, please feel free to post or take part in the discussion, if you wish.
This is an example of why you are so much better than all the girls that are the real cause for you being called sexist here without a second thought, if only by a single person.
Post edited October 19, 2014 by Klumpen0815
Piranjade: After Hedwards being so negative about this I decided to support this thread by being in. ;-)
For $ 9.99 that is.
Thank you for entering. It seems that the idea of the giveaway makes people think of sexism or some strange lure to draw the women of the forum out. Why I'm not too sure. As Momo said, it was mainly for a bit of girl gab, to see what kind of tastes some of the other female gamers here have and to also get a picture of who some of those other female gamers are. I was trying to think of something different to theme the giveaway around, it seemed harmless at the time. I understand that not everyone is happy telling people they are a woman, but it's not like I am forcing anyone to enter. Anyway, good luck winning the prize!
Sexism! Sexism everywhere! :P xD
ddickinson: Calm down. As I said, there will be one for the guys as well. How is it sexist or unfair if I am hosting one for the women and one for them men?
It's not necessarily sexist, but it is somewhat unfair. :P

Take it this way. There are more males on the forums than females by a high margin. While I don't have any hard numbers or evidence, I think it is somewhat quite obvious. Anyone willing to disagree with this surely doesn't understand how GOG appeals more to old gamers due to the classics they provide, which pretty much means most of them are males since in the 90s and early 2000s for some stupid reason society didn't accept females as gamers. I don't know. Humans are stupid.
But back on topic now. So, there are more males on GOG than females. What does that mean? It means that in a female only giveaway the participants will have a higher chance percentage of winning than in an all male one, which basically favors the minority in this sense. (sounds like American politics to me xD)
In any case, I am not opposed to this giveaway, though I can see why some would see this as sexist. This being said, let's all calm down and enjoy this Sunday. I have college applications to fill, so drama on the forums is not what I'm looking for. :P

FearfulSymmetry: Even if you weren't, I don't see how it's any of his business. After all, it's your giveaway, so your rules apply. I think it's kind of weird that someone can be so negative about a giveaway of all things, which is essentially an unselfish thing. You're doing something for the community, which is a great gesture, regardless of how you wish to do it.
While I don't want to carry this discussion further, I'll have to say that the charm of GOG is the respect shared among forum users and equality given. Also, giveaways are not necessarily unselfish, definitely when they are limited to a demographic. They earn good will, and that is a powerful tool. But I am going into semantics now and the general use, not the subject at hand. Here on GOG, yes, giveaways are mostly unselfish, with rare exceptions like "Vote for this game to participate".
Post edited October 20, 2014 by HijacK
I identify myself as cis-genderless kin so I find this offensive.
Mr.Caine: I identify myself as cis-genderless kin so I find this offensive.
Maybe you're a hermaphrodite. :P
Mr.Caine: I identify myself as cis-genderless kin so I find this offensive.
Hmmm... If we made a giveaway for your demographic group your chances of winning might be pretty good if I follow HijacK's reasoning.