Kerchatin: Yeah, I definitely agree. I just think the likelihood of EA releasing it is low. :(
Senteria: We should hold a petition to get The Neverhood on GOG. Raise a GOG army and spam their CEO.
I loved skullmonkeys so much I even played a song of the soundtrack on guitar and put it on youtube 7 years ago or so.
Favourite songs are: Sno' Yell Oh, The sewers, Castle de los Muertos, The Divy Ride and of course the title screen song.
Oh wait this was about The Neverhood. Hehe.
Oh man I LOVE Skullmonkeys, it was one of my first games ever and I still consider it the best platformer I've played. It's just about perfect in almost every way, including that absolutely fantastic soundtrack! If I ever get rich I'm gonna have to buy the rights and do a port to the PC haha.
I've never played The Neverhood but I'm really really wanting to, I will one day I'm sure. Come on GOG, take my money in exchange for it! You know you want to...come on....