Posted May 17, 2011

Also during the transition period as a country begins to industrialize it's use of resources is when the fastest population growth happens as due to access to more resources (medical, food, and energy) more children reach child bearing age and themselves then have the ability to support more children. So it's a case of people doing what they were doing before but with suddenly children surviving and being able to have families of their own. With industrialization essentially the carrying capacity of the environment has been raised to support more people. As the changes peter out, the population again nears the carrying capacity and people adjust to have children later to increase the investment in fewer children rather than having more children with less investment in each one. Because with an industrialized society a child has a much higher probability of simply surviving and how well it thrives is a function of whether or not the parents are capable of supporting it. The best strategy changes.
Post edited May 17, 2011 by crazy_dave