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When we started our journey 15 years ago, one of our most important goals was to do our best to preserve games and make them last forever. Allowing video games history, once-loved gems, to be lost in time, is something we cannot just stand and watch – we fight, for current and future generations to be able to enjoy games; all games, not just the newest, popular releases. Today, we stand proudly by our mission, and we’re extremely happy to announce the re-release of a cherished classic that, thanks to our efforts, has been successfully archived in the GOG catalog, to enjoy anew.

Alpha Protocol is back – better than ever, with a -10% launch discount until April 3rd, 2 PM UTC!

That’s right, this Alpha Protocol, the Espionage RPG, is making a grand return 14 years after its initial premiere. With conjoined forces of GOG, Obsidian Entertainment and SEGA, we’ve made sure to make it better than ever; compatible with modern PCs, with licensed soundtrack and performance improvements that are sure to make this timeless classic, yet again, your favorite spy story.

But that’s not all we have up our sleeves, of course! For this incredibly special occasion, we’ve prepared a one-of-a-kind documentary video, where the process of bringing back Alpha Protocol is extensively explained – including interviews with its creators, as well as our own team members. You can watch it below!
F**k Yeah!
One of the best games ever made.
Thank you GOG!
Usually me already having the disc release doesn't affect in any way to my willingness to buy its GOG version, but in this case it depends on two things:

1. Does it still remain compatible with Windows 7?
2. Does the difficulty still keep increasing for the hacking and lockpicking minigames without any level cap?
Awesome news ! Fourteen years ago I spent fifteen hours of my day off playing through the entire campaign of Alpha Protocol. Crazy to think I had such free time.

JAAHAS: Usually me already having the disc release doesn't affect in any way to my willingness to buy its GOG version, but in this case it depends on two things:

1. Does it still remain compatible with Windows 7?
2. Does the difficulty still keep increasing for the hacking and lockpicking minigames without any level cap?
Store page only lists official support for Windows 10 and 11. I'm on Linux and plan on playing it using Wine. Not sure what options Windows 7 users will have.
high rated
avatar When we started our journey 15 years ago, one of our most important goals was to do our best to preserve games and make them last forever. Allowing video games history, once-loved gems, to be lost in time, is something we cannot just stand and watch – we fight, for current and future generations to be able to enjoy games; all games, not just the newest, popular releases. Today, we stand proudly by our mission, and we’re extremely happy to announce the re-release of a cherished classic that, thanks to our efforts, has been successfully archived in the GOG catalog, to enjoy anew.

Alpha Protocol is back – better than ever, with a -10% launch discount until April 3rd, 2 PM UTC!

That’s right, this Alpha Protocol, the Espionage RPG, is making a grand return 14 years after its initial premiere. With conjoined forces of GOG, Obsidian Entertainment and SEGA, we’ve made sure to make it better than ever; compatible with modern PCs, with licensed soundtrack and performance improvements that are sure to make this timeless classic, yet again, your favorite spy story.

But that’s not all we have up our sleeves, of course! For this incredibly special occasion, we’ve prepared a one-of-a-kind documentary video, where the process of bringing back Alpha Protocol is extensively explained – including interviews with its creators, as well as our own team members. You can watch it below!
GOG is the reason that PC gaming came back to being relevant in my life. This is the reason why. No one else would go after the amazing forgotten gems like you guys do. Now and Always, GOG is my home!
Very nice. :)
high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: But that's nice how GOG added Achievements support that was only previously available on consoles, and restored the licensed soundtrack.

But this begs the question of: why are many other GOG games lacking this treatment?
Why doesn't GOG put in the same amount of effort into preserving those games properly as it has done to Alpha Protocol?

Why doesn't GOG care about preserving games like Mafia 1 properly?
Why doesn't GOG invest the same amount of time, energy, and money to do that, as they did for Alpha Protocol?
Different devs/publishers.

Ancient-Red-Dragon: Legions of GOG games are missing Achievements on GOG even though they have them elsewhere.
If GOG will not insist that the devs/publishers give their GOG games full feature parity - which is something that GOG easily could & should do - then why doesn't GOG have their own GOG devs add those missing Achievements themselves?
GOG can't simply change games...they make contracts to sell games - those contracts don't give GOG the right to re-model the games in question.
high rated
pkk234: Am i trippin or if it not available in Japan
I just checked the API. You are right, Alpha Protocol is banned in Japan.
Great! Very good game, one of the best I've ever played. A real classic. Thanks to Sega and GOG!
Now, that's actual Good News! Well done! :)
This is one game that i never known about. Guess i can at least wishlist it for now

high rated
I guess this means it is very likely we could see "Condemned" and its sequel brought back to PC through GOG.

I also hope this means we have a chance at getting the Shin Megami Tensei games. At the very least they could try releasing "Catherine: Full Body" here.
I also think the Sega PC label would be good to see with "House Of the Dead" or "1000 Swords".
its timed gog exclusive or it will be buried here forever as SWAT4 ?
KvellertaK: its timed gog exclusive or it will be buried here forever as SWAT4 ?

Quote: "Polygon reached out to Sega to see if it’s planning to bring this updated version of Alpha Protocol to more platforms, but it didn’t respond in time for publication."
Great Job Guys!!