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low rated
pc is the best gaming
the consoles are for kids and simple people
Orkhepaj: pc is the best gaming
the consoles are for kids and simple people
Even with Digital Rights Management (DRM) infesting a bunch of PC versions of video games, playing PC versions of video games on PC is still the best.

Thankfully quite a lot of PC video gamers are negatively voting against Digital Rights Management (DRM) being in PC versions of video games like HITMAN here on
I agree with what has been written in previous posts. Consoles have all the same issues of PCs now without the benefits. For instance I got a switch sometime back and mortal kombat 11 on it needs a 48gb download to play things. The ps5 was always updating games with patches. And physical versions are becoming rarer. Hardware is also way behind the curve. I got a PS4 for RDR2, and it is only HD output, my monitor is an ultra wide nearly 4K so ended up with it in a box. I do like Sony consoles, but the rest, nope not for me. Nintendo I always get excited about and see good reviews, but when I get one it’s hugely disappointing (the only good game on switch is Mario kart, and that is stretching it). An no way would I go near a M$ GFWDead Xbox!
No not atm at least. There are many pro's for consoles vs pc, especially pricing and availability atm ( pricing always btw ) there have been some nice efforts made to habitablize strategy games for a consoller public, but with the majority of those titles only releasing on the pc and the usual requirements for those games ( outside the need for a major league cpu these days (( and maybe older days to)) do stay in the affordable range for many of its users there is little to no need to consider a console for those reasons.
Maybe i will buy a console as an addition to my setup but with already pc as an hobby for many years i don't feel a need to start another collection for the consoles though of course this can be evaded with taking a game subscription so who knows.... if the time arrives for me to pick up that new rtx card ( yes rtx.... i thought i could go intel but i forgot completely about my gsync screen though again who knows what the future will bring ) maybe ill try a console, probably an xbox, first
No chance. I was exclusively on console up until last year and I can say without a single doubt that PC gaming has been better in every way. The crux of your entire thread is that Deathloop performs better on your ps5 than a 3080 and I find that flawed because Deathloop is suffering from engine problems that have been acknowledged by the developers. What about the hundreds of other games that perform better on your 3080? Do what you want though.

The cons of console gaming far outweigh pc gaming. Static hardware that ages rapidly. Lack of graphical options. Lower variety of games. More expensive games. A game collection that not only dwindles in value but also is the subject to the console makers will. No mods. No user fixes. 1000s of old games completely unavailable to console players. And for what? A cheaper box where you don't have to think ever? Exclusives that will be overhyped by journalists and end up on pc in a few years anyway?

The entire generations mindset that consoles have is a scam created to resell you game you already paid for, new controllers. etc. Oh you want to play that game you bought on ps4 with Ultra settingss on your ps5? Cough up 70 dollars boy. That'll be 10 dollars extra. Disgusting.

And also 33? Like you really feel old at 33? Probably need to reevaluate your life if something as simple as using a pc is too much for you at the age of 33.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by FallenHeroX1
I think I'll still need a powerfull PC for anything else (Unity3d, blender, browsing, watch youtube without ads, download anime/manga, developing apps, retrogaming, emulators (not just emulators for games), emails).
limited gaming on console is not my kind of thing, I cannot even use mouse and keyboard...
I play Good Old Games.
For that the PC is the obvious choice.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by PetrusOctavianus
There's also regional prices for digital games. E.g. some folks from Valve scratched their heads and figured out a simple truth that people from poor ass third-world countries can't afford $60 games. I'm talking about countries where higher salary range (for skilled jobs, like software engineers, lawyers and doctors) equals the salary of a school janitor in US.

So they made some deals with the publishers, and started selling games cheaper in those countries. In some places you can buy a AAA game that's $60 in US/UK for $20-$30.

Also, historically, PC market is more developed than console market in such countries.

Well, consoles don't have regional prices, at least not so prominent. Recently some publishers are getting out of those deals and start selling $60 games even there, but the trend is still strong.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by AnKun
Not really.
Here's the thing.
I can download a game from say, 1979, and it'll still run today. I might need a program to help, but it's otherwise executing exactly as it should.

I can't exactly cram my copy of Endless Ocean 2 into a Nintendo Switch. I'd have to wait for some infamously obstinate company to decide that'd be worth their time.

Opens Trenchcoat, waves the viewer closer.

And with the PC, I can play these console games, too. Just don't ask too loudly how.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by Darvond
Tons of console games are digital delivery only, which have DRM. This is worse on consoles, not better, because of their closed system networks. It will be harder to bypass someday. There is already one case of a console network shutting down and content becoming inaccessible (the original Xbox). There will be more. Also patches and DLC all run through the same networks, greatly hindering the games.

Anyway... DRM aside, no I have never considered switching. I've been a PC gamer for 27 years, and I demand the genres and controls and whatnot that PC offers best. I see no reason why switching would be beneficial to me at all. Even the cost difference is greatly overblown considering consoles charge for online services and most people buy more than one machine.
Fortunately, to date, these obnoxious measures have been able to be circumvented.
low rated
what are the pros of console gaming ?
compact standardized hardware?
dumb proof play button?
Can you work from home with your PS or XBox in todays time?

And with a PC with today's standards you are good to go for the next 6-7 years unless you are a person that needs the highest res and max fps.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by Arundir
low rated
Arundir: Can you work from home with your PS or XBox in todays time?

And with a PC with today's standards you are good to go for the next 6-7 years unless you are a person that needs the highest res and max fps.
ofcourse you can if you are a streamer :P
who doesnt need highest res and max fps? like that is a possibility
Post edited September 25, 2021 by Orkhepaj
Arundir: Can you work from home with your PS or XBox in todays time?

And with a PC with today's standards you are good to go for the next 6-7 years unless you are a person that needs the highest res and max fps.
Orkhepaj: ofcourse you can if you are a streamer :P
who doesnt need highest res and max fps? like that is a possibility know what I meant :)
Post edited September 25, 2021 by Arundir