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3. Newest-gen consoles support SSD's. PS5 and X Box Series S/X all support SSD's.
Support or come with? "Support" just means you can buy their proprietary SSD for a upgrade at additional cost.

For some reason the forum wouldn't allow me to do a quote of the post itself, it just would never post.
Post edited October 02, 2021 by Hapygoo
Be interesting to know how much an SSD improves load times. Be good to see a comparison.

An SSD as the main drive would make the console more costly, so I wonder if they produced and boxed them like that, or it was a purely after market consideration.

A game for a console wouldn't really take the SSD into consideration, I imagine, unless that was how the console only came.

Otherwise, you could imagine more of the game being read into RAM much quicker, provided there is enough RAM, and it could have good impact on open world games especially.
Post edited October 02, 2021 by Timboli
Cons outweight the pros for PC gaming compared to what?
Consoles? Absolutely not. In recent years, everything that was a "Pro" for consoles has slowly been worn away.

Unfortunately, many of the console "cons" are seeming into PC gaming. Still, as someone who never buys new games, this doesn't really bother me much.
I own several consoles, but still spend most of my time playing on the PC.
Some peopel like to sit on the sofa with a gamepad in hands, I prefer my desk and my PC.
I only play on the consoles if the game iisn't available for PC.
neumi5694: I own several consoles, but still spend most of my time playing on the PC.
Some peopel like to sit on the sofa with a gamepad in hands, I prefer my desk and my PC.
I only play on the consoles if the game iisn't available for PC.
One can always connect a PC to their TV via a HDMI chord or even doing some PC-to-TV streaming, if they want to do w/ console gaming "sit on a sofa with a gamepad" approach, provided you have the hardware to do so.

Side note - my SamsungTV has built-in SteamLink support for streaming.

Until buying a PC monitor w/ high frames (i.e. above 60hz - I got a monitor w/ 240hz support) and newer hardware spoiled me/ruined me (bought a PC loaded w/ RTX 3070 last year), I was doing this a lot w/ more console-like games on PC such as Mortal Kombat 10 and WWE 2K games.
Post edited October 02, 2021 by MysterD
babark: In recent years, everything that was a "Pro" for consoles has slowly been worn away.

Unfortunately, many of the console "cons" are seeming into PC gaming. Still, as someone who never buys new games, this doesn't really bother me much.
Never really been the case. PCs have always led the technology front, driving advances, so more Pro in that regard.

What consoles have done as they have ever gotten better and more expensive, is reliability for both the customer and the game developer. Many now seem to develop for the console first, then PC ... probably due to greater profits and easier testing. Once upon a time there were PC game developers and console game developers, whereas now they are often one and the same.

And cost has always been a double edged sword. Because for the money, you could get a better powered console than PC, but the console version games overall cost more and of course lack of them in the early days of each new console, unless they gave backwards compatibility. I'm not necessarily talking more for the same game, as generally AAA games are the same price when new, whatever the machine they are played on. Older games, especially many great ones can be easily found cheap for the PC.

And of course, you can buy a powerful PC instead of console, and never need to spend big on latest games to use it. In the years I bought consoles games for my kids, I spent a hell of a lot of money on games, more than I ever did for myself on the PC, and I had a lot more PC games.
Post edited October 02, 2021 by Timboli

3. Newest-gen consoles support SSD's. PS5 and X Box Series S/X all support SSD's.
Hapygoo: Support or come with? "Support" just means you can buy their proprietary SSD for a upgrade at additional cost.

For some reason the forum wouldn't allow me to do a quote of the post itself, it just would never post.
Comes with it.

Xbox Series S comes w/ internal 512GB SSD; XBox Series X comes with 1TB SSD.

PS5 comes with 825GB SSD space:[/url].
Post edited October 02, 2021 by MysterD
Jigowatts121: Has anyone here seriously considered giving up on the PC as a gaming platform? at my grand old age of 33 I am really not sure I can be bothered spending the money and the time fighting against this nonsense anymore.
I'm 44 since this past August, and I never thought, not even for a nanosecond, to abandon my beloved PC platform for gaming and everything else.

Despite all the fucked up things and bullshit happening in the field (DRM, Denuvo, online-only crap, micro-EA-shit-transaction), PC is just too fucking good for gaming. It's the only platform where I can still play the same damn games, taken from the same original disks (floppies, CD, DVD etc.) I was already using years and decades ago. DECADES AGO, you cannot beat that.

It just takes a little work, passion, knowledge and equipment (and some occasional tinkering with emulation) to make everything work the way you want. And this platform has been working so damn well for me since the Nineties.

I would be a fucking crazy idiot to give up all this for... what? A closed-system console that needs multi-GB patches for every damn game disc I purchase on day one? No thanks :-D

P.S.The latest triple-A, very modern game I played was Control, purchased and downloaded from No DRM, no online crap, no issues with this one, so there is still hope for the future.
P.P.S.When everything else fails, PIRACY FTW :-P
P.P.P.S.I have been following the HITMAN controversy from afar, and I don't think there is some particularly serious issue in there. Frankly, I don't give a single fuck about that game :-P
Post edited October 03, 2021 by KingofGnG
Timboli: Never really been the case. PCs have always led the technology front, driving advances, so more Pro in that regard.
Who cares about technology? I want to play games. I don't judge via technology.

What I meant was:

Console Exclusivity -> Storefront Exclusivity
Button Mashing/QTEs/Hold-to-Perform Actions -> Seeping into PC games
Badly done checkpoint save-systems -> Now into PC games
Nonsensical UI & control schemes, ill-suited to PC games -> Now into PC games
Horrible Porting -> Into PC games

(last 2 arguably not something that was "bad in consoles" that got into PC games, but rather console games making PC games worse overall, so I still count them)
Post edited October 03, 2021 by babark
^ What he said and consoles have picked up the bad parts of PC gaming.
Up to the PS4 era they were approaching the best of both worlds now they have gone on the downward slide into slow installs, patching, always online nonsense etc.
I come from C116, then C64, and Amiga, then PC after PC...

- I use my computer for tons of stuff, not just gaming.
- I prefer to play most games with mouse and keyboard.
- I can emulate most older systems if I feel like it.
- Mods, community patches, source ports...
Recent console to PC gamer here so I could share some thoughts.
Tbh, I skipped the PS3/360 gen since I was going to school and being a border, couldnt afford a desktop or a gaming laptop so PC was off the table too until recently. I did get an enjoy my PS4 will have decided to switch to PC for the following reasons.

PC Pros:
- access to modding which increases the longevity of games, especially if sequels are cancelled
- free online which helps with trophies and also game longevity.
- able to play older games without changing consoles.
- can play with both a keyboard and controller.

Console pros:
- plug and play.
- fewer issues whether they be minor (trophies unlocking) or major (adjusting settings).
- less research needed to make sure you can play a game.

Apart from Nintendo, I dont think I will be delving into consoles anymore tbh. Most console exclusives are coming to PC (God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, HZD, Gamepass) and consoles apart from Nintendo are basically glorified gaming PCs now with their focus on specs and hardware.
FUnnily enoguh, NerdCubed had a rant on this subject this week as well. It looks like he wants to stop gaming on PC's and focus on consoles.

His explanation starts at 2:15, but the bit before is good as well