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I have to agree with Breja and Smannesman.

This series was long overdue for a final episode.

They just keep extending it like it's a call of duty franchise.

Mark my words, they will run this series down with the female heroine that won't attract much viewers.
Bringing in a female protagonist just feels forced to attract more female viewers.

I am sick of this gender-bending or race-bending of well established characters in the western media.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by tort1234
She's a very unlucky Doctor.

She was unfortunate enough to be the thirteenth.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by PookaMustard
low rated
Tort's idea of "race-bending" is an honest upstanding character being played by someone who isn't white. :P
mechmouse: The biggest issue I have with the series is the complete disregard for any continuity. I can just about ignore the awful "science", but the writers just can not seem to keep the world coherent.
I love that. It's part of the show's easy-goingness. Always something that prevents it to take itself TOO seriously. My favorite exemple is :

Yes, the Tardis is supposed to auto-translate. When asked about that, the authors just answered that they went for the fun. What can I say. Don't overthink Rick & Morty (which also features genuine drama and clever characterizations).

As for the actress' age, I don't find it any more important than her gender. It's all about the delivery. Matt Smith gave us a sense feel of century-old wisdom pretty efficiently at times, so do all young doctors [i mean, in the series. aah, whatever].

I just with they wouldn't spoil actor changes before the actual in-episode regenerations. That's my only gripe with that announcement.

tinyE: Tort's idea of "race-bending" is an honest upstanding character being played by someone who isn't white. :P
It's actually very interesting to see, especially in the contect of the Doctor's physical "regeneration", what traits different individuals perceive as defining a given character. In this specific context, where the in-world establishes physical (and party psychological) transformation, it's very telling about what people classify as contigent external traits or core-defining essence.

We've had age change, hair colour change, mannierism change, personality change (to some extent but still notable and lampshaded), accent change. These were each time "the same person, but different". Now, sex, or skin colour ? Let's see who starts screaming "waargh character betrayal" about what, when there is not even a literary description's elasticity to negociate (unlike, say, James Bond's fluctuating but loosely predefined body). Let's see what exact barriers to identity sharing remains, once we've accepted all the elements that have already been regenerated differently in the past.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by Telika
mechmouse: The biggest issue I have with the series is the complete disregard for any continuity. I can just about ignore the awful "science", but the writers just can not seem to keep the world coherent.
It doesn't really bother me much. I mean I perfectly get why it can be annoying, but it's sort of like "people can't recognise Superman with glasses on" - something you just have to accept to enjoy the show, and if you can't it's just not for you. It would be impossible to have a show about time travel go on for fifty years with multiple writers and showrunners all with their own ideas and to still have it all perfectly add up.

mechmouse: Not watched the last season, though will force myself through it.
I pretty much hated the previous season and begun watching the last one with little to no expactations, and I was really blown away with how much better it got, pretty much from the get go. I still have some issues with it, but it's definately Capaldi's best, possibly the best of Moffat's run.

mechmouse: I think with Tenant and Rose, it worked. It built up over a long time and was more love than sex.

Smith and Pond was just horrible, with Amy being unfaithful and uncomfortable to watch.
I agree 100%, although in retrospect I still liked Amy more than Clara, whom I really couldn't stand by the end. It's a pity we only got one season with Bill, because she turned out to be a fantastic companion.

Smannesman: As much as I hate to, I have to partially agree with Breja.
Gee, thanks :P

Smannesman: If they had made it a spin-off ('Dr. Whom' or something) I wouldn't mind, but this just reeks of desperation to be edgy and attract new viewers.
For a long time now I was hoping to see a spin-off about Susan (the Doctor's granddaughter) and Jenny (his clone/daughter) teaming up for adventures of their own. It's seems so obvious and idea, I was almost certain that's what they were going for when they introduced Jenny. I really don't get why a show with so many great options for a female-led spinoff (there's also UNIT, currently led by Kate Stewart, Romana and others) has to change the Doctor's gender instead.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by Breja
Hunter65536: Don't know if I've posted this before but I never quite got what this show was trying. Didn't understand if it was a whacky kids show, scary movie like parody of time travel related tropes, or something else entirely. What is this show all about? I've seen till season 4 till I gave up, does it get any better in terms of story?
Gersen: Season 5 is probably my favorite, it contains the two Angel episodes (The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone) and some fun episodes; but apart from that I would say you probably already watched the "best" the series has to offer as, IMHO again, it only goes downhill from there.
Oh no, this is a prime example of the Writers inability to keep any coherence with in their own universe.

The Weeping Angels changed from an amazing well crafted terrifying hunter race which fed on the potential energy of someone life, into some kind of implausible thought demon incapable of being an actual race.

This was the beginning of a long run of stupid ideas involving the Angels. The Statue of Liberty was the peek. They just got over used, their inclusion in the monster menagerie on the Attack on "Christmas" was completely unnecessary.
I'm not a Doctor Who fan at all (watched some episodes from different series -- old and new --, found them entertaining enough, plus I'll watch an episode if I somehow see one airing on TV) but, from my understanding, it's not that far-fetched to have a female Doctor; when was it established that the Doctor *has* to be male? We're talking about a being who constantly regenerates and literally turns into someone else, even changing their quirks and personality most of the time. It's not like there's "one Doctor", despite it being the same entity throughout the show's run, I think?

I am, however, a major fan of Broadchurch, and all I know for sure is that Jodie Whittaker was absolutely stellar in it. Obviously, being different kinds of shows, being great on Broadchurch doesn't mean you'll be able to deliver on Doctor Who, especially since we still don't know what the runners and writers of the show plan to do with a female Doctor, but, having said that, I still believe Mrs. Whittaker is one heck of a fine actress and a nice quality addition to the Doctor Who universe.
groze: I am, however, a major fan of Broadchurch, and all I know for sure is that Jodie Whittaker was absolutely stellar in it. Obviously, being different kinds of shows, being great on Broadchurch doesn't mean you'll be able to deliver on Doctor Who, especially since we still don't know what the runners and writers of the show plan to do with a female Doctor, but, having said that, I still believe Mrs. Whittaker is one heck of a fine actress and a nice quality addition to the Doctor Who universe.
Who knew that "Attack the Block" would launch so many careers? XD
Breja: I agree 100%, although in retrospect I still liked Amy more than Clara, whom I really couldn't stand by the end. It's a pity we only got one season with Bill, because she turned out to be a fantastic companion.
I hated Clara more than any Companion, heck she is in my top 5 most hated characters ever.

She was Good as the Mad Dalek.
Bearable as a Victorian Nanny

Then she appeared with his phone number, and we had to endure an entire season with her. But then she ends up in the Time Scar and gets splattered across the Doctor's Time Stream. OK its an ending too good for her but at least its the end.

Then she comes back, with no explanation and we have to put up with her 2 more series.
ANd Finally She dies, with long drawn out death scene milking it more than Tenant's long winded Death.

Then she gets brought back
The gets another drawn out death scene

Only to be saved once again by "Me Me". So the Bitch still isn't Dead.

It's like the Actress had the producers kids wired to a bomb or something.

It was just ridiculous the amount of attention that character had got.

Yes Rose got to come back a few times, but she was a great character played by a surprisingly good actress.
Breja: ...has to change the Doctor's gender instead.
Because they decided she was the best person for the job, had there been a better male then I'm sure they would've gone with them instead.
mechmouse: about Clara
Again, I agree in full. Every time she should have left and instead stayed on it got worse and worse. And that last episode which basically turned her into a the Doctor with her own TARDIS was just horrible. And it totally wasted and ruined the great episode that came before.

Breja: ...has to change the Doctor's gender instead.
T.Hodd: Because they decided she was the best person for the job, had there been a better male then I'm sure they would've gone with them instead.
Actually no, the new showrunner explicitly wanted a female Doctor.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by Breja
Breja: Actually no, the new showrunner explicitly wanted a female Doctor.
Fair enough, but that's still not really a problem in my mind.
Whatever you think of the idea of a female Doctor, there is one very good reason to be upset about this casting - simply put, it's not Brian Blessed, and this was probably the last moment for him to take over the TARDIS, at least for short while, considering he's 80.
They want female lead to reach a bigger audience? EFFIN INVENT SOME!

The fact that they only genderswitch an established male charakter only proves that the producers think that an independent new female couldnt be succesful on her own. Making Doctor Who female will NOT increase the ammount of women watching the show. It will only decrease the ammount of men watching it.
I think that most DoctorWho-fans would give a spinoff with a different timelord a chance.

They want to appear progressiv but do it in the clumsiest way possible .

Marvel-comics is doing the exact same thing and they are failing hard.
Instead of gaining a bigger audience they only alienated the core audience.
PookaMustard: She's a very lucky Doctor.

She was fortunate enough to be the thirteenth.
Fixed for you. Isn't 13 a lucky number?