PenutBrittle: I'm pretty sure the increased price is just because these are alpha funded games. If the price was as low as previous Indie Royales the cut for each studio wouldn't be enough to sustain development, and then the bundle would just basically kill these projects and leave a lot of angry customers upset about their unfinished games.
I can't say for sure, but I highly suspect the price increase isn't permanent.
I'm not sure I agree with that logic. If anything, a game in alpha status should be cheaper, not more expensive than finished games. Alpha buyers don't get the full game right away, but instead have to wait months if not years for the game to get finished. They don't know if the game will be any good when it is finished. In fact, they are not even guaranteed that the game will ever be finished at all. All these factors reduce the value of the product substantially.
Furthermore, I can't see how low bundle revenue could ever
kill an alpha project. Bundle sales are an additional source of income on top of the regular sales, bringing in extra money from people who wouldn't have bought the game in its alpha status otherwise. The developers couldn't have expected to be included in a bundle at all, so a financially sound project shouldn't require bundle revenue at all.