Wraith: -The forces of hell can't be stopped by the entire legions of heaven, but a random hero can single-handedly slay their entire army and leadership over the course of 5 chapters.
Or faster if you're Kenny with the golden PSP
I learned most of what I know of military history, tactics and force organisation from Microprose games and Operation Flashpoint (also from Epic Warhammer 40000)
Ooh one I almost forgot, Their Finest Hour: The Battle Of Britain taught me more about world war 2 than any other single source. Best manual ever for one of the best games of its era. It also taought me deflection shooting and how to hide in the blind spots of of Dornier Do 17 whilst shredding it with 12MGs. So looking forward to the 1C Battle Of Britain, been way too long since I blunted a flying pencil