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high rated
Darvond: The temporary removal of GOG mixes is not a large loss to the website.
Ah, but moving goalposts is a large loss to the discussion. You asked for a loss of functionality, I gave one. Whether it is a large loss is subjective. As someone who massively prefers text to video, I think the removal of vast amounts of text-based information -including that which was provided through many GOGmixes- is a large loss of functionality...however, I admit that alone would be subjective as it would be based on one's preferences on text versus video. What is objective is that removal of GOGmixes, even if your opinion on their usefulness is different, even if it is temporary, is a loss of functionality.

I am honestly not sure if you are joking with holding down the Page Down key. Do you at least agree that with the redesign, information has been re-organized into larger, slower loading format? Also I notice you didn't have a response for the point on violation of privacy, even if it was inadvertent.
Well, as i cant seem to add anything to the cart... yes!
low rated
rjbuffchix: Ah, but moving goalposts is a large loss to the discussion. You asked for a loss of functionality, I gave one. Whether it is a large loss is subjective. As someone who massively prefers text to video, I think the removal of vast amounts of text-based information -including that which was provided through many GOGmixes- is a large loss of functionality...however, I admit that alone would be subjective as it would be based on one's preferences on text versus video. What is objective is that removal of GOGmixes, even if your opinion on their usefulness is different, even if it is temporary, is a loss of functionality.

I am honestly not sure if you are joking with holding down the Page Down key. Do you at least agree that with the redesign, information has been re-organized into larger, slower loading format? Also I notice you didn't have a response for the point on violation of privacy, even if it was inadvertent.
The display of a number, (which I understand is the supposed violation) is a nitpicking joke, if that's what they really are in arms about.

So what if someone knows that someone else on a gaming site owns 250 games? You can't tell anything from that, nor can anyone outside looking in. It's an absolute non factor. I own Huniepop. So what.

No, I wasn't joking. It loads about the same amount of time, if not a negligible margin within MOT. Using a keyboard, especially a good one can be much faster than mouse navigation with a few shortcuts in mind.
high rated
Darvond: The display of a number, (which I understand is the supposed violation) is a nitpicking joke, if that's what they really are in arms about.

So what if someone knows that someone else on a gaming site owns 250 games? You can't tell anything from that, nor can anyone outside looking in. It's an absolute non factor. I own Huniepop. So what.
Notice how you said you own Huniepop. You volunteered that information, rather than having it volunteered for you against your knowledge or consent. That's the key distinction.

I'm noticing a pattern, coupled with the rest of your post. Anything brought up objectively will be dismissed subjectively as 'not that big of a deal', 'it's only slightly slower', et cetera.

It's fine if it's not that big of a deal to you, but to some of us, please respect that it IS a bigger deal to us than it is to you.
high rated
tfishell: "Has the site update affected (or further affected) your decision about how much to spend on GOG?"

Given all the complaints I've seen here, is the site update problematic enough for you to stop spending as much or any money here until changes occur?
It's somewhat likely.

I enjoy having all my games in one place and a nice library to look at. Which resulted in re-buying games here and largely ignoring other stores. That approach has been incredibly draining in recent past and is something that's less and less attractive with every update. This is on top of sheer usability issues.

However, that is not merely due to the redesign. It's the general direction, jokes like leaking Games Owned again, and at this point frankly dreading any kind of change. It's an ongoing process.

Might very well still be the best store and I'll likely buy some games here in the future, but at this point it seems a lot more sensible not to limit oneself to just one store. Which is obviously going to result in lost sales.
tfishell: Given all the complaints I've seen here, is the site update problematic enough for you to stop spending as much or any money here until changes occur? (\
Nope, because DRM-free is still king for me and GOG is the best and most comprehensive store for that. Plus I like Galaxy Achievements which the other DRM-free stores don't offer. So for those reasons, I'll put up with GOG's flaws.

But if/when they ever start adding DRM, then that will be the dealbreaker for me, and then I wouldn't buy things from GOG anymore.
tfishell: Given all the complaints I've seen here, is the site update problematic enough for you to stop spending as much or any money here until changes occur? (Or will the complaints likely be enough to get GOG to make changes rather than having to hit them where it really hurts - financially?)
nope not for me is till buy from gog and steam (o no a steam user buying gog games) UI changes are fine i actually didn't really download anything till gog galaxy came out and when it implanted a speed limiter. unless it's effects something truly i don't normally complain like auto play videos since people have data caps. I will also slightly complain about the price on how big it is in the game pages that cover up the video / picture.

ill still buy here but also make suggestions and feedback sometimes people don't realize instead of a angry mob going to attack a company depending on company you can just vote and make a voice is all you really need and enough voices it will change.

as something against some gog users
I also notice a lot of people use gog websites on a phone and complain. they fail to realize there usinga website designed for pc on a phone (Full site) (mobile site)

to get the best experience for a website for a phone or tablet you really need a mobile version of the site at lest and not have it pretty much auto size depending on screen. this way pictures can be reduced and video auto playing can also be blocked, as well as pictures are 200% smaller and such.
Telika: I have since demanded a refund on all my games. Again.
The joke's on you: your refund comes in Wallet funds!


Likely not much of an effect. My purchase frequency / quantity has taken a decline the past few years because of my own stuff, not because of the store layout. I imagine the design will see some tweaks here and there, to address some of the functional matters. Overall, it still allows me to glean info on the game in question, and still allows me to add it to the Cart.
low rated
Idc if the site is a literal penis with donald trumps face ontop and you have to click at pimples on his dick to find the game of your choice. What matters is the fucking sales/offers and currently its fucking trash and no matter how beautiful or Garbo the design is it doesn't change that. It doesn't change the fact that 90 percent of the games library isn't on sale even though it's the 10th anniversary ((Sale))
As long as the games stay DRM free and they keep pulling the big names i dont care how it looks.... right now its a mobile themed mess of a landing page for games on PC. I dont see any issues at all with the catalog..

The only bad thing is the lack of GOG Mixes... they were the shining jewel to GOG and let us sift though the noise and find the hidden gems!

I'm not going anywhere but i do hope they rethink this mobile friendly PC experience.
high rated
Since I only care about old games and GOG removed the ability to browse game by release year I couldn't even be able to buy them if I wanted to.

What kind of incompetent apes 'improve' a website by removing features? This is going to hurt sales.
Post edited October 03, 2018 by BleepBl00p
I doubt it, but it will take me some time to get used to the changes. With the old look I knew exactly where to scroll in order to see whatever piece of information I was interested in. With the new look, I'm kind of lost in the page. I can't even say for sure if, other than the gogmixes, anything is missing from the old design.
high rated
The site redesign doesn't influence my decision, yet will probably cause me to buy less, as when a game's on sale, I'm less likely to do an impulse buy, as you can't see all information on a game at a glance. In the old view, you could see the description, contents and review score all on one screen, making an impulse buy 'Yeah, I might like this" more likely. Now, with all the scrolling you need to do to take in the information, less likely so.
high rated
tfishell: "Has the site update affected (or further affected) your decision about how much to spend on GOG?"
News and on sale titles are harder to check now, especially with little time. So, yes, it probably will.