ReynardFox: Anyone who claims GOG or DRM free gaming is the cause of piracy is full of shit.
This is an argument that lazy, stupid and/or predatory devs use as an excuse or as a scapegoat to distract from the real issues, and those are a combination of:
-Overpriced games.
-Aggressive monetization after the fact.
-Incomplete or buggy releases.
-Purchasing options restricted by region/storefront.
-Games lacking in content in general, making it harder to justify the cost for the user.
-Restrictive DRM and any hoops to jump through that makes the user feel like they're treated like a potential criminal right out the gate or forces the user into a walled garden scenario.
-Overtly anti-consumer company attitudes.
But the main cause of piracy is rather simple: Because it's something to do. But contrary to what so many studios bleat on about, this is rarely because a pirate doesn't want to pay for a product, it's simply because they can, most pirates never planned on paying for their product in the first place. If they couldn't pirate it, they'd go do something else. The numbers that get thrown about over 'lost sales' are completely asinine.
As far as I am concerned, The ONLY effective ways to curb piracy are:
-Deliver a quality product at a reasonable price
-Don't force the user through any needlessly restrictive hoops
-Don't be a dick.
Piracy will never be stopped, it's futile to fight it in the aggressive manner that so many try to, all it really does is make a lot of legit customers feel punished. The more respected the user feels by a company and its products, the more inclined they will be to support them.
This right here times a million. Could not have said it better. +1. Cheers