aRealCyborg: I asked a game developer why his game is not coming to GoG and he is afraid that if he puts it on GoG he would lose a lot of revenue. He feels that GoG is a big reason in the pirating arena because of the DRM-Free versions of the game and does not feel like it is worth having his game on any other platform then itch or Steam.
So what I am saying is GoG a big cause of pirating?
And how much of a lose would a developer have if any if he puts it on GoG?
I feel that there is no lose to putting the game on GoG and I feel like if GoG was not around then people would find other ways to pirate, I bet there are already ways to pirate DRM version of games if you work hard enough.
My brain to mouth filter is off, so this is going to get insulting and offensive, so rev up those downvotes.
This developer is a moron, a dishonest person or at worst, just plain greedy.
Yes, Piracy is an issue, a concern, a problem especially for smaller indie developers, but no GOG is not a source or a cause for piracy, yes it offers DRM free downloads of games and that makes distribution much easier, but as others have stated, everything can be cracked and has been cracked, even once holy grail of DRM
Denuvo has now been cracked, DRM vendors are in a losing battle with pirates.
What causes piracy? there is a lot of talk about how to fight it, but not enough about what causes it so lets compile a small sampling list of maybe why piracy happens.
1. some people just feel like not paying for stuff
2. some people just want to try the game out and intend to purchase it later.
3. some want to "own" their software and keep it on hand for when they want it.
4. some people are just assholes and do it because they can.
5. they feel the product isnt worth the purchase.
This can go on and on.
GOG does not cause piracy, yes GOG copies are pirated and made available for open download, but GOG is not responsible for this. WE are, the USERS, why this dev blames GOG for human free will is frankly stunning and dishonest, his game is going to get pirated WHERE EVER HE BLOODY CHOOSES TO PUT IT, ITCH.IO, STEAM, EGS, HUMBLE OR GOG.
Correlation is not Causation. GOG is not causing the games it offers here to be pirated. that is user choice.
In other words the Dev just doesn't want to put his game on GOG and instead of being honest and saying "I dont fucking want to" he or she has made up a straw man argument to explain this decision and force a purchase from you anyways from a place where he or she feels they have control (which they don't).
I will now get off my rickety soap box and commence being surly and mad somewhere else.
Have a good day ladies and gents.