Phantasmagoria 2 - A Puzzle of Flesh - DAY 4 & 5
(The Twilight Zone:
Finished Phantasmagoria 2.
Spoiler: //Seriously, an alien world?// There are two finals. Dark Seed 2 had a more inspiring H.R.Giger.
Firstly, the videos impressed but then, watching again and again the impression is down. Thats a typical game to write in a notebook all the mayus words you see in pictures and sentences.
Genre of Interactive Films raised his splendor in 1996. It was something new to see actors in your PC. First it was only digitalized faces, then was a character put on a screen and finally an entire film divided in pieces. That´s the case, you make click and start a clip. Another click, another clip. :)
At the end is boring because interactive is low. There are puzzles too, find passwords, things like that. The game has his strong points. Visually is perfect, actors are good enough and dialogs, angle cameras, lights,... technically is very professional. Gameplay has his flaws, there are puzles but the most part are videos.
The Curtis personality is the best, treatment of homosexuality with respect and sense. The relation with Therese, the dark perveertions of his soul. These acts will destroy his relation with his girlfriend. We see how Curtis has a job, a flat, girlfriend, and a social life, all is destroyed at the same time that his mind and his world.
Music is good too. There are few locations. Until the end we didn´t know if Curtis is a murderer or a victim of a complot. Wonderful the psychology confidences. The risk was a lot because you are who play the role of a probably psycho.
As a game, 3 stars. As interactive film, 5 stars.
For my last game this year i found
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble, a lucas arts style game.