xxxIndyxxx: ...
I really don't want to sound offensive but why are there some countries that insist on having games dubbed into their own language (italy, germany, France, Spain)? I just don't understand. I'm Dutch (belgian but live in the netherlands) and most people here hate it when they dub it in dutch so only a small percentage of games (mostly kids games) get that treatment. Are you guys really bad at english (and by dubbing you don't really improve) or do you love you own language that much? Please explain. To be clear: not being offensive, i really want to understand.
There is a beauty of my mother language that is difficult to explain. Yes I love my language. You don't?
Second thing is that some games are originally programmed in studios outside of the english speaking world, conceived by people with mother languages different from english. So the original language of the story/game/dialogue... whatever does not have to be English.
For example Book of Unwritten Tales was first out in German and only dubbed in English a short time ago. For those who don't speak German surely the English version is enough, but for those who speak, why should I choose anything else? It's a shame that GOG is not offering both languages there.
Apart from that a translation is an achievement on its own. It doesn't have to be always worse than the "original language", although I often is a bit worse, but sometimes it can be even better.
And finally I don't want to hear and listen all the time to English. I'm not such a big fan of it. Surely I have to use it in any international setting, but from time to time I want to have a break from it. Otherwise I would feel really bad.
Of course I also enjoy books in english. Words are important and translations tend to loose some of the beauty. But then a good book in my mother language is even better, it's like strong, sweet wine overwhelming the senses.
If I would switch completely to English I would severely restrict myself because I know I can never become as good as I am in my own language. Anyway I don't want it. Do you?
I hope that explains a bit.