SirPrimalform: It's bizarre... like a cross between subtitles and a dub.
Only that it's ten times worse than any of those options, yes, even worse than dubbing. Over here I've only seen it done with the foreign-language kid's movies shown at the Berlinale, and I thought it was terrible. I guess if I'd live in Poland I wouldn't watch any TV at all ... Then again, I don't watch German TV either, because it sucks anyway. ;)
But to the ones criticizing the OP: C'mon, guys, he's is asking for a niche feature in your eyes, okay, and he's probably out of luck, but there's nothing wrong with what he wishes for, just because
you don't think it's relevant. I find it pretty condescending and patronizing to tell him to learn English instead and to assume that everyone can easily learn another language just because you did. How do you know the OP doesn't know English, just because he prefers the Italian version? You don't even know if he's asking for the Italian version, he only mentions the multilanguage version - so what if he knows French and Spanish? I myself know several languages and I like to play games in the original language and I still sympathize with the plea for multilanguage support whenever possible, so that everyone can enjoy the game the way they like to - and that includes comparing the different voiceovers done for that game out of fun.
I'd like to see those with the elitist attitude play Gothic in German, Inquisitor in Czech etc.