His comments about consoles annoy me. He basically says "hey you have to make games for what is hot at the time," but I think this is shallow thinking. You have to make games for what is hot at the time FOR YOUR GENRE. Xbox might sell the most shooters right now but anyone making an indie game will tell you PC is where you will get most of your revenue. Obviously making an Xbox MMO is suicide, they don't even support the genre.
Anyone with half a brain in a meeting room for Broken Sword 3 probably said "putting our established point and click adventure IP on a console might be a bad idea despite the larger player base" but obviously Cecil had dollar signs in his eyes. Not saying he is a bad person at all, just speaking in business terms here: he made a mistake. He owned up to that though, so whatevs. I'm mainly pointing this out as a common industry mistake. Skulls of the Shogun is another good example, a typically PC genre with a small dev team and they're focusing on Xbox Live Arcade, an almost dead platform by some accounts, and putting the PC version on Windows 8 only, totally handicapping it. Massive stupidity.
Anyway, looking forward to BS5.