Elmofongo: Well we do have Monkeys on this Island (rhesus macaque) but they are not even native here since they brought for the Scientific purposes of the time, but several escaped and became feral and this island is the perfect habitat for the animal:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_rhesus_macaque Antimateria: I wish I had interesting tales from Finland. The country not my life which is a terrible tale.. It should be made lackluster episodic release what even Telltale couldn't make better. Though, Telltale games are bit overrated anyway. I mean those are good (decent) but you could say it as a visual novel than an adventure games.
Edit: your island sounds awesome, it really does. =) for me anyway.
Ah we are nothing special. Its an old island. We don't have that big of legacy in the world. Unlike Cuba who everyone knows for their Revolution and its Missle Crisis and currently the only socialist/communist socity in the Caribbean.
Artist like Jose Campeche are still unrecogzied to the general public compared to Leonardo Da Vinci or Pablo Picasso.
And even our revolutionary figure Pedro Albizu Campos is still overshadowed by Ernesto "Che" Guevara.