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low rated
Crosmando: The problem isn't with curation, it's the fact that whoever he is the "curator" at GOG is a complete retard and is completely out of touch with GOG customers. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if GOG has actually outsourced their curation to some SJW focus group in California, it would explain why they rejected Grimoire because the developer wasn't politically correct.
Zetikla: imho Grimoire dev was an overall unsufferable asshole who has no business calling himself a game developer but thats just my 2 cents.

Even for free i wouldnt want his game, i rather not give exposure to someone with this kind of childish attitude. He makes Derek Smart look like a humble person.

just a snippet of his actions:

He also came to do his lil childish slapfight with Sid and other people in the comments section, just like any mature intelligent adult would do/s.
I honestly could care less how he behaves all I care about is if the game is good. Phil Fish is an insufferable asshole but GOG sure didn't see a problem letting an asshole like him publish. There are even some games devs that participate in Doxxing people for their different opinion on beliefs, for instance, the whole thing With ''MomBot'' does that mean we should stop buying Ubisoft games? There are plenty of entitled selfish devs but some still make good games.
samuraigaiden: I think completely abolishing curation would be like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Let's be honest, there's way too many games being published on Steam every day.

However, a curation system that approves Serment - Contract with a Devil and then turns down Wizardry Labyrinth of Souls simply makes no sense.

Serment - Contract with a Devil has exactly 32 reviews on Steam and literally ZERO discussions in the Steam forums. It's clearly not a popular game and it's not going to sell any better here than it did on Steam.

Both are Japanese Dungeon Crawlers and just by name recognition alone Wizardry is bound to get more sales than Serment.

What does Serment - Contract with a Devil have that would get it approved that Wizardry Labyrinth of Souls doesn't? The only thing I can think of is the softporn/hentai cut-scenes and the girl on girl romance theme.

When that idiot Cleveland Mark Blakemore went around shouting on RPG Codex's forums that GOG had rejected Grimoire based on some political agenda, I was the first to doubt those claims.

I am a huge enthusiast and have bought most of my games on this site since 2012. I'm not saying this lightly.

The fact that GOG curation has turned down Wizardry so soon after approving Serment makes me think Blakemore was not 100% incorrect in his assessment of the situation. I'm not saying I agree with the guy, I certainly don't agree with this politics and worldview.

However, how else can one make sense of GOG curation's criteria on this case? LGBT themed dungeon crawler nobody will buy: approved. Non-LBGT themed dungeon crawler from one of gaming's most traditional franchises: denied.
Just make a consumer review based system that lets very low rated games to be removed from the store or even broken one and just keep those with a higher rating. The only problem would be review bombing but you could pretty much just make the bought rating the main source for trustworthiness. There is always a better solution especially with older games cause they already been released so you can merit those on earlier ratings.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by dgnfly
samuraigaiden: However, how else can one make sense of GOG curation's criteria on this case? LGBT themed dungeon crawler nobody will buy: approved. Non-LGBT themed dungeon crawler from one of gaming's most traditional franchises: denied.
Whether the game is LGBT-themed, in this case, shouldn't matter. A LGBT-themed game with the Wizardry name would have an advantage over an obscure non-LGBT themed game that doesn't have any famous name in its title. (Assuming nothing else that would affect things, of course.)

Also, in Wizardry 8, there is a situation where lesbian sex can occur and even produce an offspring, provided you'r playing the patched version (in the original release, that situation would lead to one of the intended mandatory quests being impossible for that party).

Edit: By the way, from a pure gameplay standpoint, is Serment - Contract with a Devil any good? Is it worth playing?
Post edited May 20, 2019 by dtgreene
OldOldGamer: I have not much sympathy for this incarnation of Wizardry. It looks a cheap JRPG.


P.S. I realised I have this game on PS3. LoL
dtgreene: Since you already have a version of this game, how is it in practice? Does it play like a cheap JRPG, or does it not?
The game doesn't feel nothing like Wizardry.

It feel like cross-breed between JRPG and Western.
It had a strange atmosphere, a bit of mystery/adventure about it, but I did enjoy the experience.

I agree, the curation is questionable.
At least.
That's a shame as I will have to get it from Humble instead.
novumZ: Does anyone know if Senran Kagura series from Xseed games was rejected by GOG too?
As far as I recall, the stated reason for it not coming to GoG at the time was instability upon trying to remove the DRM.
dtgreene: Since you already have a version of this game, how is it in practice? Does it play like a cheap JRPG, or does it not?
OldOldGamer: The game doesn't feel nothing like Wizardry.

It feel like cross-breed between JRPG and Western.
It had a strange atmosphere, a bit of mystery/adventure about it, but I did enjoy the experience.

I agree, the curation is questionable.
At least.
How does it feel in comparison to other Japanese games of its genre, like Etrian Odyssey, Elminage Gothic, or (if you've had the opportunity to play them) the other Japanese Wizardry spin-offs (like the Wizardry Gaiden series)?
Just saw this thread and must say I'm disappointed seeing GOG reject a WIZARDRY game of all things. I don't CARE if it doesn't have GLBT themes as long as it's good.
The same applies if it does have GLBT themes. This isn't like "The Quartering"(he thinks it's funny to have a NOOSE as his Q as some of his title art, sick fuck) where we see a game dismissed because it has some politics involved. Now if you introduce Liberal or Conservative politics in a hamfisted way that just makes you a hack and possibly ruins a gaming experience.
OldOldGamer: The game doesn't feel nothing like Wizardry.

It feel like cross-breed between JRPG and Western.
It had a strange atmosphere, a bit of mystery/adventure about it, but I did enjoy the experience.

I agree, the curation is questionable.
At least.
dtgreene: How does it feel in comparison to other Japanese games of its genre, like Etrian Odyssey, Elminage Gothic, or (if you've had the opportunity to play them) the other Japanese Wizardry spin-offs (like the Wizardry Gaiden series)?
The only one I played is Elminage Gothic, and I feel Wizardry play and feel much better.

The exploration in Wizardry was a bit slow, actually, but they name a "turbo" mode on the steam page, that seems to address this issue.

It was generally equipment driven, with stats raising with level, with a very slow progression, a would say.
A pinch of rouge-like too.
Interesting PC were introduced slowly during the story.

I can't be more specific that this, as was a few years ago that I played it, but I remember to have stick to it much more than other games of the PS3 (and I generally dislike consoles...)
samuraigaiden: However, how else can one make sense of GOG curation's criteria on this case? LGBT themed dungeon crawler nobody will buy: approved. Non-LGBT themed dungeon crawler from one of gaming's most traditional franchises: denied.
dtgreene: Whether the game is LGBT-themed, in this case, shouldn't matter. A LGBT-themed game with the Wizardry name would have an advantage over an obscure non-LGBT themed game that doesn't have any famous name in its title. (Assuming nothing else that would affect things, of course.)

Also, in Wizardry 8, there is a situation where lesbian sex can occur and even produce an offspring, provided you'r playing the patched version (in the original release, that situation would lead to one of the intended mandatory quests being impossible for that party).

Edit: By the way, from a pure gameplay standpoint, is Serment - Contract with a Devil any good? Is it worth playing?
It shouldn't amtter either way(as far as curation criteria goes), but it might be a factor in some of the team's picks(or so the rumors say).

Also in this case it's the other way round.....the game with a famous title/name with non-lgbt themes was rejected while a game with lgbt themes that isn't as famous got approved.

Of course this is not to say I dislike LGBT themes in games(if done well). I actually welcome them if done properly while also disliking when a store turns down(or is rumored to turn down) games that don't feature such/feature stuff that might unintentionally offend those in the lgbt community somehow. Basically games that appeal to both sides of the aisle should be acceptable if they are of good quality(gameplay/visuals/etc) & likely to sell.

P.S. As to the Wiz8 thing: Is that with the official patches or with unofficial ones needed as well....tia for any info.
What the- How the hell did serpent pass the curation test? I just checked it now, and saw it about a month ago on steam. Moero chronicles is a superior experience in every way than it, even though it's more on the rough edge than mary skelter.

Now I'm really pissed, Serpent yes, and this one nope -_-

ZaineH: As far as I recall, the stated reason for it not coming to GoG at the time was instability upon trying to remove the DRM.
No, the problem was related on the multiplayer portion only, as it was based on steam lobby system: XSEED tried to circumnavigate the issue, but the only way were to remake from scratch the MP, they thought that this would be too much problematic and decided to not bring it on GOG instead of giving us a half hassed release which however GOG seems to accept for some other games... *facepalm*
Post edited May 20, 2019 by Kyousuke.
Sarang: Just saw this thread and must say I'm disappointed seeing GOG reject a WIZARDRY game of all things. I don't CARE if it doesn't have GLBT themes as long as it's good.
The same applies if it does have GLBT themes. This isn't like "The Quartering"(he thinks it's funny to have a NOOSE as his Q as some of his title art, sick fuck) where we see a game dismissed because it has some politics involved. Now if you introduce Liberal or Conservative politics in a hamfisted way that just makes you a hack and possibly ruins a gaming experience.
Agreed on most points, but to be fair: The Quartering is actually against "hamfisted" attempts to shove politics into games(and those that add such just to push a particular viewpoint over others), not all games with politics. He also makes good points on bad dev practices in general from time to time and is against politics in gaming journalism & gaming journalism bias in general.

P.S. What's wrong with nooses? Is it because they represent something to you/others or what? And is it just because he uses them, or is it when anyone uses them? I am sorry if any of these questions are intrusive and you are free oc to not respond to this bit if you don't want to/it's too personal.

Kyousuke.: What the- How the hell did serpent pass the curation test? I just checked it now, and saw it about a month ago on steam. Moero chronicles is a superior experience in every way than it, even though it's more on the rough edge than mary skelter.

Now I'm really pissed, Serpent yes, and this one nope -_-
And a majority of the community is seemingly OK with the current curation, as myself/others have brought it up politely/jokingly in other threads and most such posts have gotten bad reception at best(rep wise).
Post edited May 20, 2019 by GameRager
Sarang: Just saw this thread and must say I'm disappointed seeing GOG reject a WIZARDRY game of all things. I don't CARE if it doesn't have GLBT themes as long as it's good.
The same applies if it does have GLBT themes. This isn't like "The Quartering"(he thinks it's funny to have a NOOSE as his Q as some of his title art, sick fuck) where we see a game dismissed because it has some politics involved. Now if you introduce Liberal or Conservative politics in a hamfisted way that just makes you a hack and possibly ruins a gaming experience.
What is GLBT?
What's a paladin?!?
GameRager: P.S. As to the Wiz8 thing: Is that with the official patches or with unofficial ones needed as well....tia for any info.
You only need the official patch.

Also, this only happens if your party contains only female characters. If you have a male character, this won't happen (originally you needed a male character for this event, but tbe patch fixes it allowing the game to be completed with an all-female party). If your main party is all female, but you have a male RPC with you, you will need to dismiss him to get past this part (but can pick him back up afterwords).
GameRager: P.S. As to the Wiz8 thing: Is that with the official patches or with unofficial ones needed as well....tia for any info.
dtgreene: You only need the official patch.

Also, this only happens if your party contains only female characters. If you have a male character, this won't happen (originally you needed a male character for this event, but tbe patch fixes it allowing the game to be completed with an all-female party). If your main party is all female, but you have a male RPC with you, you will need to dismiss him to get past this part (but can pick him back up afterwords).
Thanks for the info...I may look into this if I ever get back to that game(It is a good game in general, imo, but the hard as nails combat at the start & large amounts of monsters make it hard to get into/make progress in)
Just to be absolutely clear, I don't have anything against LGBT themes in games. I was just pointing out how strange and questionable the curation's criteria has been in this case by mentioning a very similar game in the same genre seemingly of a lower tier of quality than Wizardry Labyrinth of Souls that got approved very recently.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by samuraigaiden