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Looks like we have a lynch. I hope that was not a bad move. I have a bad feeling about lynching the mod...
I say, this is exciting.

QuadrAlien: You'll have to pardon my lack of posting - my birthday gifts have included Rogue Legacy and Etrian Odyssey IV. I'm a bit distracted. :)
I think I neglected to say happy birthday before, so happy birthday! Good taste in presents sir.

Damnation: Ahoy there people, been sorta busy the last few days, and just popping in to say that I'm still around. Will be reading up on the new unfoldings and have something meaningful posted tomorrow at the latest.
I think that's going to end up being a Day 2 tomorrow rather than a Sunday tomorrow.
Before the silence strikes for the night, I just want to answer the question:

All players are human true/false? - True.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Outside the sun is setting, filling the room with a gentle, reddish light. No one knows what is going on or what to do. SirPrimalform is pacing nervously about. Suddenly he trips and falls.

«What the...?

He's tripped over a pair of legs. A cursory glance over the rest of the group confirms that everyone's there. These legs, and the torso connected to them have gone unnoticed. Until now. SirPrimalform gets up and approaches the stranger. He's breathing.

«Who are you?»

The stranger doesn't answer. He's a thin, pale character, wearing all black, sitting in a dark corner. He stares blankly into the air in front of him, giving no indication he has heard SirPrimalform's question at all.

More of you gather around the stranger. «Oy!» GhostQlyph gives a light kick to the stranger's feet, «He asked you a question.»

«Fools.» The stranger still has the same empty expression in his eyes. His voice is flat, he sounds almost bored.

«Fools.» he repeats as he gets up.

«You don't see, do you? You don't understand what is happening. Oh, to be so blind, so ignorant. You are all...»

SirPrimalform has had enough. He lunges at the stranger, delivering a mighty punch to the back of his head. The stranger falls head first on the pavement. JoeSapphire and amok both gives him a kick to the head.

The sun has set. The stranger lies lifeless on the floor. You all prepare to go get some much needed sleep.

A hollow laughter. The stranger gets up and dusts himself off. There's not a scratch on him.

«You think you can hurt me? Your naivety is truly... charming. It is because of me that you're here. I brought you all here. No, I made you. I am your god!

«And now,» he goes over to SirPrimalform and pinches his cheek, «I'm going home.»

«This game is over.»
The stranger strides towards the security doors. A metallic clank sounds as the locks open.

You all stare confusedly at each other. GhostQlyph rushes over to the stranger, grabs a knife from the table along the way, and stabs it into his neck. Another metallic clank. The security doors are locked.

After making sure the stranger is truly dead this time, you can finally retreat to you rooms.

Zchinque has been lynched. He was Zchinque – Invisible Town Moderator.

It is now Night 1. Night actions are due in 48 hours from this post, that would be September 2nd, 2 pm UTC.
Post edited August 31, 2013 by Zchinque
CSPVG has responded to his prod. Happy days.
Lifthrasil has requested replacement.

As of this post, Vitek is replacing Lifthrasil.
Night actions are due in 24 hours.

The sooner I get them, the sooner day will break.
The sun rises, and you all again gather in the common room. Sadly, there are now only 11 of you. Damnation is found dead in his room, shot twice, once in the head and once in the neck. It seems that whoever broke GlaDOS has rather sinister plans. You need to this sorted.

Damnation has been killed! He was Francois Bertrand – Necrophiliac Townie.

It is now Day 2. With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch.
Well the name Francois Bertrand doesn't mean anything, as far as google is concerned. I find it weird that a necrophiliac would be a townie, but hey we're in a nut house so I shouldn't be surprised at anything.

We just lynched the mod so what's next??
Hi girls!

I saw you are clueless without me so I had blackmailed Lifhtrasil to drop in order to join your party.

First I will copy game-related posts from my personal scumchat which I made when this game started:

"Joe is scum." (08-22-2013, 03:33 PM ET (US))
"Amok probably too, but I don't know him enough to tell for sure." (08-22-2013, 06:03 PM ET (US))

"I support SPF's movement and Damnation deserves cookie for being sensible. I needed someone like him in my last games I played.
He [Zchinque] is lynchable so what is to wait for? He doesn't post in the game so he won't incriminate himself.
It can be desirbale for both town and scum to lynch him if he is not on scum team, as he is big uncertainity and can be dangerous."
(08-27-2013 08:17 AM ET (US))

Regarding the first 2, they are both made after their first posts, but not much changed since then and I still think they are most likely scum. Joe more than amok.

Regarding the third, I am glad you lynched the mod, I always wanted to do it, but I am slightly disappointed I wasn't part of it. his ynch doesn't tell us much about voting players scummines, though as both teams could benefit from it.
I had town read on Damnation and quite positive one on TwilightBard, but that's all I got for now, but I must read later parts of Day 1 as I wasn't paying much attention there.

The Day 1 question to mod (I am afraid there won't be anymore since mod is dead) asks if we have "townies with post restriction"?
Could mean any player or also indeed just town ones. What's your take on it?
Joe could also be faking his behaviour about it in order to be considered townie thanks to it.
Vitek: Hi girls!


The Day 1 question to mod (I am afraid there won't be anymore since mod is dead) asks if we have "townies with post restriction"?
Could mean any player or also indeed just town ones. What's your take on it?
Good morning mother. What a pretty dress you have on today.

The way my more sensible voices analysed the mods message in post 152 is that there are indeed at least one townie with post restrictions, but the restrictions somehow forces them them to lie. I am not sure about how the restrictions work, but I think it may be something in the lines of "For every 3 true post, you must make a false post", or something like this. This means that there is at least one townie out there with a pattern like this, but the pattern is not known yet (to me atleast...). The post only mention townies, so it is uncertain if there are scum with the same type of restrictions.

What may be interesting is - if the mod was a townie, then he could have been the one with the restriction, which is why he had the warning to not trust him.... and the result is that all my voices are telling me to not trust anyone of you.

But then my other voices just keep whispering about sharp, pointy, rusty needles... I know where they are....

I also got a question - does it matter that TwilightBard was shot twice? or is it just flavour?
amok: I also got a question - does it matter that TwilightBard was shot twice? or is it just flavour?
Good thing he survived then, unlike poor Damnation...
amok: I also got a question - does it matter that TwilightBard was shot twice? or is it just flavour?
JMich: Good thing he survived then, unlike poor Damnation...
gahhhh... I blame the voices... they confuse me sometimes.
I think a detail like being shot twice is worth considering.