Vitek: Hi girls!
The Day 1 question to mod (I am afraid there won't be anymore since mod is dead) asks if we have "townies with post restriction"?
Could mean any player or also indeed just town ones. What's your take on it?
Good morning mother. What a pretty dress you have on today.
The way my more sensible voices analysed the mods message in
post 152 is that there are indeed at least one townie with post restrictions, but the restrictions somehow forces them them to lie. I am not sure about how the restrictions work, but I think it may be something in the lines of "For every 3 true post, you must make a false post", or something like this. This means that there is at least one townie out there with a pattern like this, but the pattern is not known yet (to me atleast...). The post only mention townies, so it is uncertain if there are scum with the same type of restrictions.
What may be interesting is - if the mod was a townie, then he could have been the one with the restriction, which is why he had the warning to not trust him.... and the result is that all my voices are telling me to not trust anyone of you.
But then my other voices just keep whispering about sharp, pointy, rusty needles... I know where they are....
I also got a question - does it matter that TwilightBard was shot twice? or is it just flavour?