I guess I should start playing again.
SirPrimalform: Well of course I did, I was a jester...
Right, but I still got lynched. Because it was so obvious, it would have been clear to the scum that I had a motive and wasn't just being extraordinarily bad at being town. To everyone else, I could have been playing extremely badly as scum or a jester. My point is there might be something to glean from the fact that the scum would have known I was not scum, moreso than a normal mislynch.
I didn't double post, the forum duplicated my post after I left the thread somehow. Zchinque has very kindly allowed me to live though, so on we go.
Were you Jester since start of game, only unable to win on Day 1 or did you become one?
(Small note: If you are town aligned, it would be more helpful if you claimed jester and ask us to lynch you. It would save us time.) SirPrimalform: Hmm, good point. I was thinking of myself as mod confirmed but he did say not to trust him so I'll bear that in mind.
I don't want to got his route. Mod is only thing in game providing info we can just accept in game and if we really couldn't trust mod and doubted even flips and such, it would make the game almost unplayable.
GhostQlyph: I have jumped between THREE WAGONS after I was finished playing sillybuggers in the first 2 (?) pages. I am the most consistent player in this game, easily, because I haven't changed my mind on anyone I've actually voted for after RVS.
Inability to adjust your reads is nothing to boast about.
Zchinque: "Has the number of scum increased since the beginning of the game?" No silence this time, but the same horrible voice. It sounds like it comes from everywhere and nowhere. "Yes!" Ugh, that's horrible.
TwilightBard: Vitek to me has said one thing that strikes me as scummy, and right now it doesn't feel like it's enough to justify a lynch.
What was it?
I want to know.
I need to know!
Tell me!
CSPVG: Immune to night actions you say? Well, this can't possibly be true, because I'm Constable Bastian, Naive Town Cop, and I investigated you during Night 1.
Given, I did find that you were town. If you are immune to night actions, however, should I not have gotten an incomplete/ failure message when I investigated you last night?
You may all be wondering just how I know that I am a naive town cop, and that is a valid question. Ghost has just confirmed for me something that I have suspected since I received my role PM, which is written in poem form and gives several injunctions to me to be nice and prevent nastiness. If this weren't enough of a give away, flubbucket's death and reveal increased my certainty; and now there's GhostQlyph's claim.
This is more than enough for me.
CSPVG is much more trustworthy for me, even with flub's flip.
GhostQlyph was scummy to me before (mostly how she was more concerned with her own scummines over successful lynch and her cases without any backing. Also she says that SirPrimal was too scummy to be scum and it sounds like she
knew he is town and didn't vote him to gain credit) and I don't like her claim at all. She rushed to claim with only 2 votes to which to me looks like eagerness to present her false claim and to get people off her backs without any real defense.
The part how she is indispensable and how we have no chance of winning without her doesn't sit too well with me.
Vote GhostQlyph. Who is Constable Bastian?