Krypsyn: Good question, as amok seems to have just assumed I am town,
but, to put your mind at ease, if townies die, I do frown.
My role message states that I win when only town (and friends) still exist,
however it never explicitly states that I am on any town list.
Are you survivor?
amok: hmm..... but if he misses then there is just an equal chance there will be no tomorrow, because there will be one extra townie dead. With a shoot 2 people die now + night kill, without 1 person dies now + night kill. I think there is something there I can not quite put my finger on, but it feels wrong.
Do you think there has to be scum in JMich/CSPVG duo? I don't see how there couldn't be. So for me the best course of actions is to have option to kill them both if necessary in one day.
Even if you don't think it is the case, it is benefical to shoot.
You keep putting it like we are sure to succeed if we only lynch but miss when we shoot. The reality is we are not in good situation. It is almost sure we will lose if we mislynch. By shooting first we increase our chances to get to next day at all.
CSPVG: ...
By which I mean to say, perhaps Ghost's role was non-existent. I could investigate him/ her and come up with a town read, and Jmich could investigate him/ her and find Ghost to have no powers. This is, of course, just a theory.
The thing is, according to JMich's claim, he didn't get "no power" result, he wasn't able to get any read at all. So one of you got result, the other one didn't. Do you see my problem with it?
Are you up for vigging plan? Who would be your prefered target?
JMich: Why? Naive cop gets town result on any investigation, even if he investigates a dead player. That gets resolved before untargetability.
Role cop (if you want to call it that) gets resolved after untargetability, so ability fails, and no reading is returned.
May I ask you how do you know this?
How did you discover that naive cop can investigate dead player? When does untargetability gets resolved? I lived in assumption that untargetability doesn't get resolved but that it just exist.
This is just something I am not willing to accept at all as it would mean that the game is just stupid.
JMich: Another thing, I love is the fact that you
referred to GhostQlyph with QuadrAlien's name, and even though one could argue that it was an educated guess, you didn't respond when corrected. Could it be that you were trying to warn QuadrAlien?
The truth is I made mistake at first but I discovered it before I posted that post. I decided to keep it anyway to poke Ghost. I was quite amused when someone else actually was Gollum. That's all mystery behind this. I hope you enjoyed it. :-)
JMich: Quite a lot of small things that you can probably dismiss, but the fact remains that you try to dictate the 2 we should kill today, claiming that Day-Vig means town confirmation (it doesn't, it just means Day-Vig confirmation).
I am not trying to
dictate, I am trying to achieve the best possible outcome by offering the course of actions I believe to be optimala for town. I certainly am trying to persuade people to agree to vigging today, I don't deny that, but people can choose whoever they want.
I personaly believe one of you is the best course of action and of course I am voicing my opinion and trying to sell it to other players. Everyone should do this.
JMich: And one more. You claim role-cop is usually scum aligned, and use that to strengthen your position against me, then assume Day-vig means town, then also assume that a double-voter is also town (though amok corrected you on that, since it's not TB's power on its own).
So? What's the point?
That's experience.
Role cop
is usually scum aligned as it helps mafia to find PR to kill. But you are not scummy for being role cop, it just adds to it and means that claim is not something to redeem you.
Extra shot is very powerful for mafia and they are very very unlikely to appear in game, so yes it is quite safe to assume he is non-mafia aligned.
I am not claiming it makes him confirmed town, though. Right now I even think he is probably neutral. The important thing is, even if he was SK or somthing like that, we control his shot right now and can use it for town benefit even if he is not direct part of town.
I never assumed double-vote makes TB town, it only makes him slightly more likely to be town than scum and that's it. Nothing more to it.
JMich: I remain convinced that you are trying to manipulate the townies into killing 2 townies, so you don't even have to resort to Night Kill.
Why exactly would I want to avoid night killing? If I am scum, there is no doctor (as I am un-CCed doc) night kill is the safest way for me to go. At least it doesn't involve convincing whole town to agree on kill. ;-)
JMich: P.S. You still haven't commented on the fact that there are 3 people in the game with names of killers. Or has Jim Carrey or Tony Hill killed someone that I'm unaware of?
OK, I am commenting on it. Happy? :-)
I wonder what did you expect. Admittance that it makes us the 3 killers mafia? There is no possible sane answer I could give to this whatever alignment I am.
I also wonder why you keep calling Gollum killer. I don't recall him being killer.
Nah, I know exactly why are you asking it. You are not waiting for my response, you just want to bring attention to it without just directly saing it makes us (me and Krypsyn) scum.