I'm not entirely sure what to do at the moment. Though SPF is acting in the most transparently scummy manner, I am starting to think that maybe it's just a little too transparent. I'm also dubious about jumping on the SPF-wagon, as last game I focused on outwardly scummy signs for the entire game, losing in the process. In any case, I've been thinking about SPF's actions.
In post 152 Zchinque told us that there are town players with post restrictions. I am beginning to wonder if this may have something to do with the capitalization in posts, as some form of communication between parties which understand that such a post restriction is in place.
Although post 303 is the most obvious example of this, several of GhostQlyph's more recent messages also make a form of sense if you read the capitalized bits. For instance, from post 312, "...CLEVER, SPF." This after SPF became our main focus because of post 303. Ghost's newest post, 372, contains the following," REALLY THE BEST THING." Given, that is spread out through one sentence, but it is right after quoting SPF's role claim.
Having noted that there are town players with post restrictions, and assuming those restrictions have something to do with capitalization, there are three distinct possibilities which occur to me:
1) SPF, GhostQlyph and another player( I'm thinking QuadrAlien) are Town Masons.
2) SPF, GhostQlyph and another player( most likely, once again, QuadrAlien) are something altogether more sinister( I don't necessarily want to say cult, perhaps just mafia that can communicate during the day).
3) SPF's post was coincidental, and I'm being mislead by other players into voting for him.
The first and third possibility seems unlikely to me; and I'd like to believe in the second option, but I'm not sure if I'm just grasping at straws with GhostQlyph's capitalization in certain posts, and I have nothing to prop up my QuadrAlien suspicion other than the fact that he/she discovered SPF's message and has been relatively quiet all game.
Closing questions:
1) GhostQlyph, why do you use uppercase letters as often as you do? Are they simply for emphasis?
2) SPF, why are you spelling out something in your avatar by adding a new letter every day or two? Also, they didn't even leave you with a Batarang?
3) You've been a little too quiet for my liking, Jmich. Could you give us your thoughts on the SPF situation?
Do excuse my ramble, as it's two days worth of pent-up posts.