JMich: Does not compute.
You say that you know you were town at the beginning of day 1, and that you are sure you have not switched to scum. Then you say that you can be scum if you don't know you are scum. Shouldn't one of the 3 be different? Either you know what you were on day 1 and don't know if you switched, since it is possible to be scum without knowing it, or you know what you were on day 1 and are sure you haven't switched since it's not possible to be scum without knowing you are one.
Let's call this inconsistency 0.5, shall we?
Or maybe it was just typo? Obviously It was supposed to be "can't" there. It makes no sense this way.
JMich: Sigh. I'm not talking about ingame role. I'm talking about your namesake. He was a serial killer. Did you not look up who you were supposed to be playing as?
Let's call this inconsistency 0.5 as well, for a total of 1 inconsistencies.
Is there any other serial killer that you said "one more"?
What is inconsistency? That I thought you are calling me SK? Seriously, what is inconsistent about it?
JMich: Ok, so at twilight you were convinced TB and Krypsyn were scum, then during the night you were convinced that not only were they town, but they were also worth protecting. So when did you send your night action? Are you willing to disclose that? Or is it "On September 17th, ~4 hours before deadline"?
I will claim this as a full inconsistency, since you did do a full 180 on what your reads were. Claim "Extensive re-read during a 2 day period" as much as you like, but I don't like that one bit.
I don't care, at least I have some reads. ;-)
According to GOG I sent it on the 18th September and I recall it was late in evening and Zchinque was prodding me for it.
How does it help you? You won't believe it anyway.
So this 3, it's 0,5+0,5+1, right? So 2 inconsistencies. Even if we ignore that you made the 0,5 up they are from post made after you said that I am doing too many inconsistencies so you couldn't possibly mean them when you accused me of it.
JMich: You are pushing for lynches. Continuously.
You said I am too pushing during MYLO, what does SPF and other things from previous day have to do with it?
JMich: First you go after SPF, even though you should know that a seasoned player wouldn't act like that if he was scum. You even asked us why were we not voting for SPF, and what were we thinking.
Oh, so you blaming for trying to move the game when we were twiddling our thumbs and were doing nothing?
Do you also remember the part when you said I am providing compelling arguments and later voted SPF yourself?
I also still can't wrap my head about why people want to ignore players who are too scummy. I think next time I am mafia I'll do anything that mafia shoudn't do and I'll get free pass to victory.
JMich: You then went after Krypsyn,
accusing him of lying, which combined with LAL would mean a lynch.
Don't give me this crap, I wasn't trying to lynch him based on LAL, I was trying to determine whether he is scum. I found that one post where he didn't say "I don't like" like he did in all others and I thought he slipped there.
You played with me in G15, you should know that I think LAL is crap and I am not exactly keen to lynch someone on its basis. On the other hand I would love to lynch someone because he/she is scum.
JMich: Once he showed that he wasn't lying, you
turned your attention to CSPVG, giving a slight possibility that he is town, while presenting as much more possible him being scum.
So by saying that I think he is probably town I pushed his lynch?
JMich: You also accused him indirectly of lying, since
(having two cops) is something you can basically rule out in any game. .
CSPVG replies to your accusations, and has a bit of support from TB and Krypsyn.
No, no, I accused him directly.
He claimed role that we already had, of course it's something I won't just ignore. Why would anyone ignore it? Would you ignore it?
He had support from TB and Krypsyn? Where? I found 1 Krypsyn's and 1 TB's post between my and CSPVG's posts and I see no support.
And? What does it have to do with anything? You are really grasping for straws now.
You basically just summarized most of my moves in this game and you slapped them with mafia sticker for any reason you managed to invent.
JMich: You do seem to be hunting for scum, but to me at least you seem to be throwing accusations to each one of us in turn, trying to see if you'll find support for your theory. You are also reluctant to vote for someone, even saying that
Only reason why I am not voting you (except the fact I was missing) is because it was incredibly dumb. Too much to make it as scum. , even though that didn't stop you from hoping you had 2 votes to lynch SPF.
You are just trying to discourage anyone from finding scum as you label any attempt as throwing accusations.
"He seems to be hunting, but he is not. Why you ask? Because I said so and I KNOW!"
I am not voting because we are at mylo and need to be careful and because I think CSPVG might just make stupid town move instead of stupid mafia move and I haven't made up my mind yet.
JMich: Why does that seem to me as a "Here. Shoot this guy. We'll win if you do."
Using his ability will confirm to us he is a day vigilante, and we won't be worse than we were. Will we be better off? Yes, if he does shoot scum. Problem is that at this point, I can't point with certainity to anyone being scum, but I do find it highly probable that you are one.
I am not saying him who should his target be. Hell, he can target me if players want it. We all should decide his target together.
There are 3 scenarios:
He doesn't shoot. Then he is scum and it's win.
He shoots scum. Double win. We have confirmed player and dead scum.
He shoots town. Right now there are 6 players hiding 2 mafia. If he shoots town, there will be 2 mafia hidden among 4 people and the most scummy one will be removed. Much better odds than now.
One more thing. Who would you consider my buddy?
Even one more thing. Tell me, do you think your role is basically role cop? Because it certainly sounds a lot like role cop.
Sorry I made this long fragmented post but I am happy there is finally something going on.