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Vitek: I am more convinced about amok than CSPVG.
It is agreed.
Let's do this deed.

Vote amok

Good luck!
Vitek: Today he was the only person opposed to shooting, likely to protect his buddy, and tried to convince us to go into night which would very likely cost us the game.
I also find off how he suddenly learnt who is the doctor. I find it more likely that JMich role-copped me and told him during night.
I still think it would have been best to hold it off until the coming day. I think it would have been better used then to clinch the win, as I said back then, but done is done and a right person was hit.

Vitek: Can you explain why you suddenly learnt my identity during N2, amok?
'why' I can not say, you need to ask god (the mod) who is playing with us. All I can say is that during the night I found a note slipped under my cell door which said something in the lines of that I am not completely alone, and that I should assist you. It did not specifically say that you are a doctor, but I could not see any other reason for it. Off course I was not ruling out the option that the note was a lie, but it was a too big coincidence when you stated you are a doctor.

For reasons why, I can only speculate. It does make things maybe a little bit unbalanced, but then we also have had a message from the mod earlier that the number of scums had increased (or something like this... the post is to far back, will dig it up later) so I guessed it was a way to re-balance, or something like this... I really have no clue....
simul-post with amok there,
my vote stands for now, so beware.

How, amok, do you pronounce your name anyway?
Does it rhyme more with 'duck' or more with 'fray'.
It matters little for votes, as they don't count against my restriction per se,
however my last post made me curious about it today.
Or is it pronounced entirely differently for what you wish to convey?
Krypsyn: simul-post with amok there,
my vote stands for now, so beware.

How, amok, do you pronounce your name anyway?
Does it rhyme more with 'duck' or more with 'fray'.
It matters little for votes, as they don't count against my restriction per se,
however my last post made me curious about it today.
Or is it pronounced entirely differently for what you wish to convey?
With a long oo,
- to rhyme more with duck,
so it oo as in fool,
- but not in as in muck.
Vitek: I am more convinced about amok than CSPVG.
He was scummy on day 1 and I thought he is scum even when I was out of game.
I wasn't seeing what Ghost was in regards to her, but his reply about it during day 2 was scummy.

Today he was the only person opposed to shooting, likely to protect his buddy, and tried to convince us to go into night which would very likely cost us the game.
I also find off how he suddenly learnt who is the doctor. I find it more likely that JMich role-copped me and told him during night.
Can you explain why you suddenly learnt my identity during N2, amok?

Only thing against CSPVG are his shenningans around his role and targetting, partly because he was absent big part of game, and I think amok is the more likely to be last mafia.
My question for you about where did my double voting ability come from then? There's something about that that's really strange there then. It's a one day only ability, it fits with what he said...unless you're implying that I lied about it as well?
TwilightBard: My question for you about where did my double voting ability come from then? There's something about that that's really strange there then. It's a one day only ability, it fits with what he said...unless you're implying that I lied about it as well?
It could also be possible that, since you claimed before amok did, he/she used your claim to build a claim of his/her own. This would mean that your ability is unexplained, which would be less than ideal. Could your ability maybe have something to do with EoS?

I don't know what else to do for this day, especially this close to the deadline, other than say vote: amok.

This is mainly because I have no other scum reads for today. Twilight and Krypsyn showed us, at the very least, that they weren't lying about their abilities. Vitek argued with JMich, pointing out many of the odd things he was saying, and I know myself to be town. So amok seems like the only choice to me.
TwilightBard: My question for you about where did my double voting ability come from then? There's something about that that's really strange there then. It's a one day only ability, it fits with what he said...unless you're implying that I lied about it as well?
I am not doubting his motivator role, I am doubting his affiliation. So I believe it comes from him. I think motivator can be of either alignment.
That's actually one reason to not vote him but CSPVG. There is chance that we will miss and if we do, it will be more safe if it's amok who stays alive because we know his role so there is smaller possibility of nasty susrprise. On the other hand we can just lynch him instead of missing him. :-)

I just had a crazy idea.
If I now vote CSPVG and then Twilight votes both amok and CSPVG, they would reach the lynch threshold at the same time and possibly we would lynch both of them. :-)
Eh, this is boring and I see I can hammer any of them.

Well, let's do it.

Vote amok.

It doesn't really matter, there should be scum among them and we will get another chance. I know I'll be around tomorrow so I and the remaining player of Krypsyn/Twilight can wrap this up.

Hm, it's probably CSPVG based on his last post. Plus he was more pro-active in last game when he was town.
Well, I'll lynch him tomorrow if I must.

Vitek: Eh, this is boring and I see I can hammer any of them.

Well, let's do it.

Vote amok.

It doesn't really matter, there should be scum among them and we will get another chance. I know I'll be around tomorrow so I and the remaining player of Krypsyn/Twilight can wrap this up.

Hm, it's probably CSPVG based on his last post. Plus he was more pro-active in last game when he was town.
Well, I'll lynch him tomorrow if I must.

One thing to consider before you swing the hammer - if I and JMich where scum buddies we did an appalling co-ordinated effort. He attacks you, and I validate your role as Town doctor....
amok: One thing to consider before you swing the hammer - if I and JMich where scum buddies we did an appalling co-ordinated effort. He attacks you, and I validate your role as Town doctor....
Too late, I already did it.

That's valid point but he attacked me only because he was defending himself and you had your claim prepared before.
It is also often beneficial for amfia buddies to not pursue the same targets so they can distant themselves more easily.
Final votecount of the day!

amok - 3 - Krypsyn, CSPVG, Vitek
CSPVG - 2 - amok, Twilightbard

With 5 alive it takes 3 to lynch

Twilight, etc. etc.
After the death of Nostradamus, the crowd was out for more blood. CSPVG was the first to come under attack, as amok lunged at him. CSPVG dodged the blow and struck back, as the two sparred for a while.

[i]In the end, Vitek came in an broke up the fight. The two had some cuts and bruises, but o serious harm had been done.[/I]

"Don't worry, I'll have you both fixed up in a minute. So amok, you're a nurse, you say? I'm a doctor myself, but I'm a little short on supplies right now. I'll take a look in your medical bag, see if there's anything I can use there." Vitek seemed to be in his comfort zone here. "Ah, just what I need. Sadly, there's only enough for one of you. Well, ladies first, my mother always said."

Vitek filled a syringe and injected it in amok's arm.

"It's morphine. It'll help ease the pain."

Less than a minute later, amok lay dead on the floor.

amok has been lynched! He was Nurse Ratched - Mafia Nurse!

The game has ended with a Town win!

Thanks to everyone for playing, I hope everyone had at least a bit of fun.
Post edited October 07, 2013 by Zchinque
Finally, I can stop posting in all italics. Woo.

Roles now, a critical analysis of the setup later. In short, it was horrid.

GhostQlyph received:
Smeagol – Untargetable Townie

How did we get here? How did we get here? How did we get here? Why won't he leave? We can feel him, feel him gnawing at our mind. Sticking his dirty, filthy, little hands inside our... No! Nononono. Not our, not our, not our... Not our! Mine! Not his, not our... Mine! Sticking his dirty, filthy, little hands inside MY brain.

Why won't he leave us? We don't want him, don't need him. He needs to leave. We don't want to be him. Yes, we are good now. But at night, he grows more powerful at night. It's like we lose control, we don't exist. We don't want him. The sun, it burns us. It burns, it burns, burns. But it burns him worse, it does.

Make him leave. Leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave

Ability: At night you retreat inside yourself, unable to perform any actions, but also unable to be targeted.

Win condition: You win when all threats to the town (and your sanity) are gone.
Modnote: Linked with Gollum, where if one is targeted, they both are, and if they collectively had more than half the votes they would be lynched.

Joe received:
Lisa Williams – Town Medium

Of course you know that the medium profession is filled with fakes, frauds, liars, and cheaters. You're not gullible. That doesn't take from the fact that you are the real deal. You can communicate with the dead, with gods, with moderators, with spirits. And for this you get locked up in this asylum. The closedmindedness of people. They refuse to accept that there is just the slightest chance of there being more to life than what they can prove through their precious science and statistics. So now you're here.

Might as well make the best out of it. Hopefully some of your gifts will come in handy.

-During day you can summon the spirit of a dead player. That player will be allowed to make a single post (including a vote) from beyond the grave. You may only use this ability once.

Win condition: Victory will be yours when the town is rid of baddies.
SPF received (day 1):
Truman Burbank – Town Reality Star

30 years. 30 years for which you had unknowingly been the star of your very own reality show. And then it ended. Just like that. Of course, everyone wanted a piece of you. Interviews, talk-shows, guest appearances in all kinds of movies, invitations to fancy charity dinners, girls chasing after you in the streets. Overnight you had to come to terms with being one of the most famous people on earth, despite always having led a sheltered life. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard.

Then, less than a year later, you're old news. Forgotten. That game show gig you got was canceled, due to poor ratings.Your model girlfriend left you. Your high society friends stopped calling. Of course there had to come a reaction at some point.

And now you're here. Now it's time for rest.

Abilities: You have none.

Win condition: You have no... err, you win when there are no more threats to the town.
Mod note: Has a hidden ability where each other player in the game gets watcher privileges towards him, where everyone can see who targets him at night.

SPF received (Day 2):
Andy Kaufman – Town Jester

Fame can be a horrible thing. There's no privacy, no rest, no chance to be only yourself. So, what is a man to do? Why, fake one's own death to leave the public spotlight, of course! It is, after all, the only reasonable thing to do.

After having spent a number of years at this facility, it seems the time has finally come. You are, if not forgotten, forgotten enough that you should be able to live a rather normal life now. Now you just need to get out of here, alive. An old prank should be able to give you a leg up.

Ability: Fake death. The first time you are lynched, you will not die. Your role information will be revealed as normal («SirPrimalform has been lynched. He was Andy Kaufman – Town Jester»), then you suddenly pop back to life.

Win conditions:
-All enemies to the town needs to die.
-You need to be lynched at least once over the course of the game.
Mod note: Faking death will put the game on a strict deadline.

Damnation received:
Francois Bertrand – Necrophiliac Townie

The corpses long for you, as you long for them. They understand you, they listen to you, they talk to you. A velvet soft, almost humming whisper of a voice that only you can hear. It's the most beautiful sound. Except for when night falls. Their yearning grows stronger, as do their voices. They call out to you. They want you. And who are you to resist them?

«I'll bring you back to life this night,
it's meant for the flesh at least.
Tonight I'll join you in your sleep.»

-Each night, if there is at least one death, you will indulge in your particular paraphilia. The target of your affection will be left in such a sorry state that it will be impossible to determine anything other than their alignment. (Should there be more than one death, the moderator will determine your target at random) This is a mandatory ability, and you may not choose not to use it.
-The first time someone attempts to kill you during night, that attempt will fail.

Win condition: You win when there are no mafia, serial killers, cultists, or werewolves left in the game.
Lifthrasil/Vitek received:
Harold Shipman – Miller Doctor

«Angel of Death». Pah! The motivation for any doctor should be to mend the wounded, cure the sick, and ease suffering. And what do we do with modern medicine? We use it to prolong suffering, not ease it. Old, sick people – we keep them alive for years, we force them to live with agonizing pains, a completely and utterly undignified, inhumane form of life. We don't even treat our animals like that. And for what? It's all because we've become so removed from the concept of death as a natural part of life, become so scared of death, that we think it is somehow more humane to let people suffer needlessly.

You have not killed anyone. You have helped them. You have let people face death, relaxed and free of pain. It's not like you've ever ended a life for fun, or because you get some twisted satisfaction out of it. You're a doctor, your mission is to help people. Mend the wounded, cure the sick. And for those who can't be mended or cured, give them a humane, dignified end, free of pain.

¤Each night you may protect another player. That player will be safe from the first attempt to kill them that night.
¤Your record means you're not exactly the most trusted or well respected person around. You will turn up mafia to any cop investigations.

You win when...
...all anti-town factions are gone, and everyone will be safe from further harm at their hands.
Mod note: Investigates as town for the naive cop.

CSPVG received:
Constable Bastian – Town Cop

You are the happy Constable Bastian
and you are a friendly man
'cause everyone should be friendly if they can
You stroll around and make sure
that everyone feels good
'cause that's something everyone should

You have made a Cardamom-law
for our Cardamom Town
and this Cardamom-law says:
One shall not bother others,
one shall be nice and kind,
otherwise one may do as one pleases.

Ability: Each night you may investigate another player to determine their alignment.

Win condition: You win when the town is free of undesirables.
Mod note: Naive, all investigations come up Town. Sanity revealed on death.

Flub received:
Tony Hill – Town Cop

It's a rare skill you've got, Tony, but is it worth the cost? You understand crazy, demented people. Their brains feel strangely familiar, almost comforting. You understand how they think, you can see the twisted logic that is woven through their actions. You read their desired, you feel their pain and defects. Let's be honest here, you belong more with them than with the so-called normal people.

Delving into these depraved minds like you do comes unpleasantly easily to you, but it's still very taxing. At times it can feel like you spend more time in other minds than your own, and you can feel it draining your mental health. On more than a few occasions you have questioned your own sanity, but it is something you have to do. Or at least someone has to do it, and there are few others that would be able.

Ability: Each night you may investigate another player to determine whether or not they are part of the mafia.

Win condition: When all the anti-town factions are gone, that is when you win.
Krypsyn received:
The Joker – 1-shot Day Vig

You're a psychotic killer and madman, locked up in this Asylum as it's the only place deemed safe enough to house such an intelligent and sadistic villain as yourself.

No, wait, you're an eccentric, goofy, and somewhat loveable prankster, always looking out for an opportunity to trick a random stranger for your own amusement.

Or actually, you're... No. No, I can't do this. You're the Joker, all else is up to you. Be whichever Joker you wish. Make up your own flavour, and why not a post restriction while you're at it.

You're the joker. You're stark raving mad. Enjoy it.

*During a day phase you may attempt to kill another player. To do this post Daykill [player] in the game thread (remember to bold). You can only use this ability once during the game.
*You may, if you wish, create your own post restriction. This post restriction will not be enforced by the moderator. However, twice during the game you may «forget» to comply with your post restriction, and have the mod dish out a punishment of your choice (within reason, the mod holds the right to veto any punishment deemed excessive or too disruptive to the game).

Terms of victory: You win when there are only townies, and others friendly to the town, are left alive.
Mod note: At one point, when the town had one or more other killing roles, the daykill wasn't functional.

Rob received:
Zchinque – Invisible Town Moderator

You've been in this Asylum for so long, and among all these... let's say, colourful individuals that you blend in with the background. Hardly anyone notice your presence, and to be honest, you're fine with that. If no one notices you, they also won't bother you. Peace and quiet.

Abilities (or role rules, or whatever I should call them in your particular case):
-You do not show up on the player list.
-You are not allowed to post in the game thread.
-To post, PM the mod with what you want to post. He will then copy/paste it into the game thread.
-If you wish, you are exempt from posting at all day 1.
-You can't be culted. It wouldn't do for the moderator to join a cult.
-Other than that, your role functions more or less like normal.

Win condition: You win when all enemies to the town are dead and forgotten. Or at least dead.
Twilight received:
Anna-Varney Cantodea – Suicidal Townie

Time heals nothing, nothing, nothing. How many times have you been in and out of institutions now? Medication, shock therapy, psychiatrists. And yet the dead birds keep singing. It's tiring.

At least the Shadows are still with you. In a universe of change and continous movement, it's good to have someone, something you can count on.

You don't handle pressure well, and votes make thoughts of suicide creep into your mind. You take two votes less to lynch (this can not make the threshold to lynch you lower than 2).

Win condition: You win when all threats to the down are pushing up the daisies.
Mod note: If targeted by Nurse Ratchet's double voting drug, lynch vulnerability disappears.

QuadrAlien received:
Gollum – Mafia Sneak

You're the sane one. But it hurts having to share both body and mind with that weakling. He's weak. A coward. And you can't drive him out. But as time passes, you grow stronger, he grows even weaker. As long as he doesn't do something stupid, maybe you'll soon be in complete control.

And the inmate next to you listens. Listens in the dark. Does it know it is you it listens to? No, nonono. But it listens, and you're not one who minds taking advantage of that, are you? It is weak, and it listens. It will have its uses. Oh yes, it will.

Your scumbuddies are JMich and Amok. Scumchat is here. There you are allowed to communicate each night, as well as the first 72 hours of the first game day.
Together you must decide on one player to kill each night, as well as who performs the kill.

-You may PM TwilightBard at any time, using an account I have set up for this purpose (login is [redacted]). This account is not to be used for any other purpose, and you may not change or give the login details to anyone.

Win condition: You win when only mafia are left alive, or this is inevitable.
Mod note: Linked with Smeagol.

JMich received:
Nostradamus – Mafia Soothsayer

Yes, yes. You're a fake. I know it, you know it. Any sort of telling the future is impossible. Just as communicating with the dead is impossible. It doesn't matter. As long as you can make other people believe you, it will nudge them in the right direction. The right direction for who? Well, that should be obvious enough.

While your socalled abilities are hoaxes, they're based on being convincing. You are forced to understand people, so that you can find their weak points. But that understanding comes at a cost. You also understand that you can't trust anyone, no matter how friendly they seem to be.

Your scumbuddies are QuadrAlien and Amok. Scumchat is here. There you are allowed to communicate each night, as well as the first 72 hours of the first game day.
Together you must decide on one player to kill each night, as well as who performs the kill.

Ability: Each day you may PM the mod a yes/no question, as well as if the question should be answered with a yes or a no. The mod will then post a scene, where this question, including your fabricated answer is revealed. The question may not name any player by name.

Win condition: You win when only mafia are left alive, or this is inevitable.
Amok received:
Nurse Ratchet – Mafia Nurse

There's not much to say, is there? You administer drugs, take care of the patients. Oh, and you really, really hate them. They're vile sociopaths, depraved murderers, and crazy lunatics. They are stains upon society, each and every one of them. A couple of them might be useful as tools, but they're all as bad as each other. We really should find more permanent solutions to these kinds of problems. Their vanishing from the face of the earth wouldn't bring a tear to a single eye.

But what can you do? You administer drugs, sedate them when needed. Too bad your tools... I mean, your friends don't trust you, because you have some pretty potent uppers in your arsenal as well.

Your scumbuddies are QuadrAlien and JMich. Scumchat is here. There you are allowed to communicate each night, as well as the first 72 hours of the first game day.
Together you must decide on one player to kill each night, as well as who performs the kill.

You have a number of drugs which you can administrate. You have to administrate one dose each day. The effect will take effect at nightfall, and last through the next day. You can not administrate drugs to any of your mafia buddies. PM the mod with which drug you want to which player.
Drugs (or rather, their effects):
1-shot vig ability
One extra vote

Note that you only have 1 dose of each drug, and that it is mandatory for you to administer one dose each day. You expect to receive a delivery of new drugs in a couple of days.

Win conditions: You win when only mafia are left alive, or this is inevitable.
Hold it right there mister mod. Since Damnation did have some sort of protection, why was our kill attempt successful on the first try?

(Posting from an iPad, unable to quote without something to click on)