P1na: Well, now that this is happening, I've got to ask. As someone who a) never played amiga games, thus not having the nostalgic angle and b) is mostly interested in plot of games, and not so much on the crazy hard score attack angles,
are there any amiga games I should watch out for?
To me you described most Cinemaware games. In their time, they were supposed to be "movie games" where the gameplay part was mainly toned down (mainly consisting of simple mini-games here and there, some dialog choices, and maybe some light strategic gameplay), and the main attraction was great visuals and music/audio.
Most of them also had an ok, but cliched, story. Like the story in King of Chicago was a cliched 30s mafia story, Rocket Ranger story was apparently mainly from the Rocket Man/Rocketeer etc. If you are fine with cliched stories, they might be ok.